Interview: Sequel Films - Iridescent

Sequel Films (formerly known as Pink Films) is project from producer and guitarist Adam Hailstone. Born and raised in the Winchester area, Adam's passion for music was nurtured through the lens of artists like Fleetwood Mac and Pink Floyd, encouraged by his music-mad father. A member of several locally successful bands during the early years of his career, Adam learned the ropes in small concerts and intimate sold-out gigs in London's Shoreditch and Tooting. Using GarageBand on his phone, Adam began to develop his own style of music - part synth-based, part surf-rock. Much of his work uses lush bass lines and wavy melodies to comprehend and explore his feelings of social isolation and anxiety that comes from the inevitable recognition of one's own trauma, and there was, to begin with, no intention of ever making this music public.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Hello Sequel Films. What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician?

I’ve been playing music since I was in secondary school. I used to mimic bands like the Kooks and Jack Penaté by listening to their music and playing along with videos. Doing this has helped me learn music by ear, it’s something of a party trick of mine. Other than that it’s a case of listening to a myriad of different genres which helps with creatively and inspiration.

What is your dream project?

Currently playing music in Sequel Films is giving me look into the world of songwriting. My goal is to be a multi-instrumentalist and continue putting out singles and EPs ! So in all, I guess my dream project is to be able to continue doing what I’m doing and enjoy it !

Your latest track is 'Iridescent'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Iridescent started when I was sat in a coffee shop in Brighton with my partner. We had just escaped the rain. I started off with the intro idea, I wanted the piano to sound like a classic 80s electric Yamaha DX 7 Fm synth. I then was playing around with sample ideas and adding effects for texture. The rest of the song came naturally as the previous singles have in terms of arrangement and writing.

What makes you angry?

People walking in-front of me slowly when I’m in a rush (I’m always in a rush) and people who are bad at replying to texts & Emails.

What is the most surprising fact you’ve learnt about yourself?

That I am pretty resilient in difficult times, and I don’t take long to bounce back. In music creation and personal life.

What do you dislike about your work?

I can definitely find myself falling into the category of a perfectionist, which I personally see as a weakness rather than a positive. I can be stuck on an idea overthinking every single detail and not moving forward. So I find it hard to distract myself and just move on.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time out of their day to have a listen to my music ! Really appreciate every kind message I get !

Is the artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?

As I do much of my music production alone, it can be sometimes a bit lonesome. But I have I great partner who pops in and 2 cats that jump on my keyboard every 5 minutes… so that helps (and doesn’t - cats)

What do you think is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen or experienced?

I took a trip to Scotland before the first lockdown, and it’s a beautiful part of the world. I’m pretty sure Edinburgh is my favourite city now.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans are to finish my music production course I’m currently enrolled in at university. And to continue creating and releasing music every chance I get !