Interview: Ceyeo - Trying

Ceyeo announces the release of the pop, hip-hop, R&B single ‘Trying’. Ceyeo is an independent artist from Chicago who creates diverse, literate, emotionally intricate songs that subvert rock and pop conventions with an accessible alt electronic rock feel. This is an artist who combines electric guitar, bass, drums and synths with out of the ordinary instruments to create music with an accessible feel. Trying is written, arranged and produced by Ceyeo with brilliant vocals form Poetic Justis. The track is mixed and mastered by Max Honsinger at Tileyard Studios London. ‘Trying’ combines pop, hip-hop, R&B vocals and beats with a classical string section to create a sound that is genuinely unique and fun to listen to.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

What first got you into music?

Since about 2cd grade, I’ve always been really interested in music and would listen to it every chance I got. Like a lot of kids, in 6th grade I joined the school band and played through high school. I played saxophone, so it was jazz band mostly. In high school I started writing music and found that I could do it, which was very exciting and started to occupy a lot of my time when I wasn’t working or at school. In high school, I was a horrible student. Instead of studying like a good boy I was either out getting into trouble or at home writing songs. Thankfully, I mellowed from the acting out I was doing and writing music has become one of the most enjoyable things I do - I absolutely love writing music.

What do you think your role is in this world?

I’ll answer from a musical perspective. I don’t know the real number but I’d approximate that 90% of the stuff that gets popular today is about relationships, sex and money. OK, fine, but I’m trying to add other conversations into the mix. My song ‘Trying’, for example, talks about a person who is weighed down by the lack of acceptance of their sexual identity. ‘U Can’t Hide’ is about the social injustices that fall on people because of the race, mental condition and sexual identity. So, in my mind at least, my role is to give important issues like those an additional voice. Mixed in with some, hopefully, very enjoyable music.

Your latest track is 'Trying'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

If you take away the drums, bass line and vocals from ‘Trying’ you have a big, cinematic string arrangement with cellos, violas and violins. I always loved that part of ’Trying’ but it took a few tries to figure out what to do with that music. At first I tried doing one of those “spoken word”-style things that I do, like on the song ‘Broken’, but that didn’t work. Next I tried a rap, and that turned out a little better but still not quite right. Finally, I went with an R&B approach and got what you hear today. So that song was a journey and for a while I wondered if I would ever get vocals that could stand up to the music, which I am quite proud of. But it all worked out in the end. I’m very happy with it.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

The comments I get from social media are usually them asking me to keep going. Which I take to mean, keep talking about these important subjects, in a way, of course, that’s enjoyable and entertaining. First, I’d like to thank them for taking the time to let me know their thoughts. To think that I am possibly helping in some way means so much to me. Second, I’d like them to know that I’ve got the full album coming in July and am about 80% done with a second album that will be released in 2023. So, I have every intention to keep going. I’m just getting started, actually.

How do you spend your time?

If I had my way, I would spend the great majority of my time writing, playing, and recording songs. Unfortunately, music is a business, so my time gets split in a number of different directions. My time is especially split now between writing, producing, recording and all the business stuff needed to release the singles and the full album that drops on July 15. With everything going on, it’s simply too much sometimes, but at the same time I realize how fortunate I am so I wouldn’t change it for anything.

What are you most proud of?

Right now, it’s that I just finalized my first album, titled ‘Machine Learning’ that is releasing July 15. I made the last tweaks to the songs just a few days ago and I am very proud of the way it turned out. I feel that every song is strong - both musically and lyrically. And I can’t wait for people to hear it.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

You’ve asked a lot of good questions, but this is probably my favorite. I haven’t given it much thought but off the top of my head I might say Dry Cleaning, because I think they would be cool people and I think they would have cool fans. My songs cover multiple musical genres, such as hip-hop and R&B, but I also have a lot of post-punk, with a tinge of psychedelic, songs that I would imagine Dry Cleaning fans might like. St. Vincent would be another one that would be cool to open for, simply because she is so talented and an amazing performer. I’ve seen her in concert and was blown away.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as an artist?

You can't get better at anything unless you put the hours in, so I’d say the biggest thing I’m doing is to simply keep writing. Writing and really using my ears critically. It’s easy to become your own biggest fan and talk yourself into liking something that is mediocre. Especially when you write and record by yourself, like I mostly do. So I constantly try to hear the music and lyrics for what they really are and not what I wish them to be. To me, that’s the most important thing, and is not at all easy to do.

Do you think that technology is improving lives?

I would say that technology is improving lives. It provides a far more efficient means of communication, better access to information, advancements in medicine, environmentally friendly fuel sources, etc. I think you can put a pretty big list of benefits together. The downside of tech is that social media can be hurtful to people’s mental health, so we have to learn how to use it properly. Technology also gives a greater voice to hate speech and violence, which is an obvious downside that we need to address. So it’s a bit of a mixed bag but, overall, I feel strongly that technology is a good thing.

What are your plans for the future?

Most importantly - album #1 ‘Machine Learning’ is ready for release on July 15 so that's my most immediate priority. Beyond that, I’ll keep writing songs and finalize album #2 and release it in 2023, and then maybe tour.