Interview: Alexandra - Bonnie & Clyde

Alexandra releases her single, “Bonnie & Clyde”, via State Fair Records Singles Club, available now across all streaming platforms with an exclusive premiere on KXT 91.7 FM. This is Alexandra’s first single release of 2022, following in the footsteps of independent releases “Winter” in 2021, and “Bad Stuff” in 2020. Alexandra is a Dallas-based, singer-songwriter hailing from Ohio. With single rollouts planned for the remainder of the year, Alexandra brings heart and soul to an indie pop tracklist. With the ultimate goal of creating music that cultivates a sense of community through her lyrics, Alexandra’s natural and authentic storytelling ability feels like a long lost friend to every listener.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

What first got you into music?

My oldest brother, actually. He has a rare genetic developmental disability and my amazing parents put him in piano and voice lessons when he was 9 and I was 3. They wanted to try as many things as possible to stimulate his cognitive growth. So I, of course, was tagging along… dancing in the lobby. Then, I would start going into his lessons for the last few minutes to sing a little duet or two. Both my mom and music teacher noticed how much I loved it.. and how I really had a passion for it. They put me in lessons and I never really stopped. She was my voice and piano teacher from 3 until I was 17 when I went to college.

How do you nurture your own creativity?

I try to honor the ebb and flow of it all. Sometimes I’ll write 3 songs in 3 days and sometimes I won’t write for 3 weeks. And that doesn’t make me a bad musician. Also, I try to remember that “quality” is a spectrum to an extent. When I release myself from the pressure of creating something “good”, I tend to dig a bit deeper. It took me while to believe that It’s okay to suck. It’s okay to write a bad song. Lastly, I try to remember the amazing musicians that inspire me… because what limits my creativity at times is my fear of getting super honest publicly. I’m a pretty private person… so sometimes I’m like “Lex, no you can’t write that”… but then I’m like, “Stevie Nicks wrote over and over about Lindsey and sang it right in from of him in the studio. You can do this.”

Your latest track is 'Bonnie & Clyde'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

B&C was actually my first co-write ever! Every song I’ve ever written has been written totally alone until we decided to write B&C… and we didn’t even plan to write anything at all that night. I was down in Austin recording the album demos with my collaborators/producers Callie Dixon and Gabe Neal. We just had a long day recording… so we took a break, busted out the wine, and just decided to jam. I told them about this lyric I thought was kinda kitschy and fun, which ended up being the opening lyric to the song. Gabe just started playing this chord progression and that whole thing was written in a few hours tops? It was insane. It was also the first kinda fun, upbeat song I’d written in a while. We played a lot with point of view, imagery, and retrospection. It’s one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

My fans? Haha that sounds so funny. I don’t even think about it like that. I just think that the people that listen to my music are a lot like me. We must have a common thread tying us together if you dig the stuff that comes out of my brain. There is so separation. We’re all friends. We’d kick it over a beer and I would tell those people that if they’re anything like me, they’re in a rush to be the finished product of themselves… but I would say… that simply does not exist. You cannot rush to your destiny. Life is just a big, beautiful, messy experience, meant to be felt. And enjoyed. Slow down and trust. Think about how much of a scenic drive you miss when you’re going 95 mph. Find the music you like, find some good pals, and just cruise in the right lane for a while.

Which famous musicians do you admire?

Man, there’s so many. Fleetwood Mac is my favorite band of all time. Springsteen. Joan Jett. Those who have sustained a prosperous career for decades. Then the newcomers like Lizzy McAlpine, Holly Humberstone, Giveon, Yebba. I think people are more inspired than ever… and I’m inspired by the art that’s being put out right now. I’m in total awe of the amazing music surrounding me on all fronts.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

Female representation. I got my degree in audio production, which is totally male dominated. It’s honestly shocking how little percentage of the music industry women occupy and how small the box is for the women that do exist in the spaces. In 2021, only 3.9% of producers were women. And even as a singer, it’s still considered far more impressive for a female singer to also play the guitar versus a male… and that just doesn’t make sense to me? How can playing an instrument be more aligned with one gender over another?

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

Maggie Rogers. Her authenticity, pursuit of knowledge, and love for not only her art, but various types of art in all forms, inspires me to really open my eyes. She revolves her whole world around her love for the process of creating. And I seek to do the same.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

Hahahaha oh my gosh, my parents are going to read this!! It’s funny because my record is squeaky clean. I’ve been riding shotgun both literally and figuratively when people I’ve been with have gotten in trouble, but I’m an angel in the eyes of the law. Most of the trouble I’ve gotten myself into is because of the choices I’ve made in relationships. Both with friends and partners. We do crazy things for love.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Oh, DO I?! It’s a full blown stadium tour in there. Recently, I’ve been super into R&B like Kehlani or Summer Walker… I think about every person that’s ever wronged me and just go in haha. My friends laugh at me because I looooooove Rap/R&B. Drake was my top artist of 2021 and I am not even a little bit ashamed to admit it.

What are your plans for the future?

All I want to do is play my music for people that appreciate it. I have a whole album demoed, just sitting on a folder in my phone. I’d love to eventually get that out haha. I’m just enjoying the ride… trusting the timing of my life. It’ll come out when it’s ready. In the meantime, I’ll play these songs at my shows and continue moving forward writing more music, digging deeper into my community, and really trying to make myself proud.