Interview: Martina Flaherty - Falling into Love

Martina Flaherty is a singer songwriter, vocal teacher/tutor and sound healer from Loughrea, Co Galway, Ireland. She has explored across many genres, collaborations and projects over the last few years. Her music combines influences of blues, soul and folk with soulful vocals, fueled by themes such as living with a higher purpose, love and becoming more self compassionate. Through the power of music and voice her live performance invites inspiration and celebration to awaken and reconnect to the joy, wisdom, and love of our own souls.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Martina Flaherty, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What drew you to the music industry?

I’ve been singing since I can remember. singing and music is what I’ve always wanted to do. I have to sing otherwise I would go crazy.

How do you balance your time in the studio with other commitments such as a part-time job, family, admin?

I have one daughter, she’s 23 now so I have a bit more time on my hands. The earlier years were focused on Mammy duties. These days I try and keep a day for my original music and projects.

Your latest song is 'Falling into Love'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Yeah “ falling into love “was written back in 21 . The weather was unusually sunny here in Ireland so I took off to County Clare (which isn’t that far away from where I live, about an hour and a half) . I spend a few days up there in a tent and out in the elements with no distractions or anything and luckily I wrote a good few songs. I wrote “Falling into Love “ sitting by the water.

What are your songs about?

Most of my music is about connecting, to something greater to the source that is within me and that is around , that is in everything. Some people call it God , I think of it as energy and when I connect with that it’s just the best feeling. I think music is healing , all my songs have that intention and they are recorded in 432Hz which is a healing frequency.

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

Maybe have a little Cafe or a juice bar .I do love good food and I’m very passionate about eating healthy and using local and natural produce. I am a sound and voice healer as well and I love anything to do with frequency and vibration. so that is my other passion..I also work as a music tutor teaching children which I love.

How do you know when a work is finished?

I don’t think I ever do. I'm sure that I could come back to any of my songs and do something different with them. That's the beauty of music and art, there's so much space for creativity.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

I started doing DJing on a local radio station over lockdown which was a great distraction. I still do it every two weeks. I have a show called ''Souledge'' which features all local and original Irish artists. I also love travelling and CE.5 'Close Encounter of The Fifth Kind.'

When were you generally fulfilled in your position as an artist?

There is no better feeling than playing music with other people with other musicians and sharing it with an audience that is just joy for me. Unfortunately the spaces to do can be hard to find. Its probably only happened a few times this year for me.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Gosh .. I don’t know about advising anyone to follow in my footsteps.

I think it’s very important to stay true to yourself .. luckily I’m old enough not to be chasing the whole fame ticket. I sing and write because I love it and I’d go crazy if I didn’t. I hate cliches but I really hope when people listen to my music that it’s healing and comforting and helps them connect a bit to themselves. I got a lovely message from a Sound healer lady in Canada the other day , she said that she listens to my song “Falling into love” every morning and every night before she goes to bed and it makes her day. I thought that was so beautiful it made me cry.

I think many younger artists can get lost in the whole fame, they can get sucked into that fake World which most often is very explosive and toxic especially when money is prioritized over talent.

What are your plans for the future?

To keep writing and singing and doing what I love. I'm just finishing an online healing voice course that I created and I'm excited about getting that out into the World. I'm hoping to play some nice festivals this year and to meet lovely people and not to take myself too seriously, life can be difficult sometimes but its also a fun, joyous and magical spiritual journey.

Well I am a sound and voice healer as well so I love anything to do with frequency and vibration. so that is my other passion I am a music tutor as well, I work with children so I love that I also cooking , travelling being out in nature and being with family and good friends.