Interview: Noah Solt - Let's Make a Fire

Noah Solt has released his track called 'Let's Make a Fire'. The song was recorded in his friends' apartment. He lived on his bedroom floor for a month and they produced the track together. There is only one chance for a first impression, and 'Let's Make a Fire' is his debut release. They tackled the production of this track with a goal of making it truthful to Noah Solt's style and easily digestible by (hopefully) a wide range of people.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Noah Solt, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. Your latest song is 'Let's Make a Fire'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Hi there, thanks for having me! I wrote the song while sailing across the Atlantic Ocean on a 112-foot schooner. Being so far from the people I love gave me a lot of clarity, and I was inspired to write a song that celebrated them. The track was recorded a few months later in my friends’ apartment in Boston, Massachusetts.

What first got you into music?

When I was 12 years old my aunt bought me a ukulele - playing it was the first time that I was ever fully absorbed in music. I first picked up a guitar and began writing as a natural progression from the ukulele at age 14.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
This one’s a loaded question... I guess my short thought is that music is more attainable now than ever before. Is this a good thing? I’m not exactly sure. It depends where you choose to place Music’s inherent value. I, for one, am excited to see what new possibilities arise as the music industry continues to evolve.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

I’ve been lucky enough to experience love – and I’ve certainly found myself in some trouble because of it.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

Yes! I love the ocean. Anything in, on, or around the water brings me joy. Most of all, I love surfing and sailing.

Is there another musician you've mentored or trained? Describe what you've done to help them.

I personally view music (and life) as a collaboration. I’m constantly learning and teaching whenever I work with fellow musicians. That’s where I find magic in life, and it is partly what ‘Let’s Make a Fire’ is about.

Can you write what was your best performance in your career? How do you remember it?

Great question. It must have been while I was studying abroad at Berklee College of Music in Spain. I was there for nearly a year and played gigs all around the city. Performing live for people who don’t primarily speak my native language (English) was nerve-racking to say the least – but never failed to be refreshing, fun, and humbling. Any of those shows could count as my favorite.

When you are working through problems in your work, who do you talk to?

Whoever feels right at the time. Sometimes fellow musicians, sometimes old friends – everyone has something of value to teach.

What's the best piece of advice another musician ever gave you?


What are your plans for the future?

There’s a book called “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. The four agreements are as follows:
Be Impeccable with Your Word.
Don't Take Anything Personally.
Don't Make Assumptions.
Always Do Your Best.