Interview: Moon and Aries - Pink Moon

German composer & producer Tom Aries and Canadian writer / singer Jordana Moon team up as Moon and Aries for the magical new song 'Pink Moon'. To bring warmth and assurance for a brighter future. The song envelops captivating synthesizer sounds with ethereal vocals - the result: A very calm, chill, romantic and sometimes sad overall mood! A music duo, surfing the quantum Universe bringing back your favorite retro music and mixing it with a futuristic perspective. A “Synth Pop Opera” mix: Tom aka Aries composing the song, Jordana aka Moon, writing the lyrics and singing, this galactic duo feels complete in their mission together.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Moon and Aries, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician?

Hi, Jordana Moon here, speaking on behalf of Moon and Aries. Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us ! In our Moon and Aries collaboration, Tom creates the composition and then I write the lyrics and sing. But, Tom is also a singer and a writer, and I'm also a composer. So we both are well versed in what the other brings to the table. We've also put in well over 10 thousand hours as musicians and writers. We both started very early in life, taking music lessons and surrounding ourselves with mentors. We are the types to never stop learning and striving to be better.

What is your creative process when making music?

Tom and I have been riding this wave of creativity for over a year now. We have discussed the Moon and Aries vision and mission so extensively, as if it was going to be a 9 season T.V show! So once we knew what we wanted to achieve, things have very much been in the flow, creatively. These past 2 years of World events have also given us loads to write about. Our singles have very much reflected the time, especially with our last 3 releases: Toxic City (feeling the lack of faith), Cold (feeling alone and going through a rebirth) and Pink Moon - the hope for the future.

Your latest track is 'Pink Moon'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Well, I'm Moon :) and for a while I had pink hair. This was Tom's original inspiration for his whimsical melody. When I looked up the spiritual meaning behind a Pink Moon, is when I received all of my inspiration for the lyrics. I got to dive into the philosophy behind it - which is all about finally going after your dreams, lluck finding you, and good things happening to good people. And it just so happened, time wise, that we were able to release it right before New Year, when everyone is looking forward to better days and dreaming big.

What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?

Well, as you can now tell, Tom and I are big dreamers. Because, why not. Performing live is something we have both missed and to get back on stage, and be on stage together, will feel incredible. Especially now having songs that we love so much and are excited to share live. So to do a tour with some other artists, festivals, cruise ships… anything and everything. We also would love to have our songs in television shows and Movies. But our biggest goal / mission as Moon and Aries, is to provide high vibe, high conscious music, to whoever is meant to hear it. I think we are all here to liberate each other, and Tom and I chose to break the limits of the glass ceiling with our music.

How do you nurture your own creativity?

Tom and I keep our lives simple and focused. Not too many distractions and or dramas. All of that drains your creative energy. We both are positive people, we get a lot of fresh air, meditation, good food. And we both do something creative everyday. And I think it's so important to appreciate everything you create, because that idea came to you for a reason. So we try not to be overly critical or self sabotage. Some songs, Tom and I believe so strongly in. Other songs, we put in our pockets to revisit for a later day when we can make more sense of it.

What interests or hobbies do you have outside of music?

Tom does a decent amount of physical activity. He really loves sports. We both do. And really enjoy researching about the occult and hidden knowledge… quantum physics, metaphysics. Tom and I both love Movies that disclose a level of truth and open your mind.

What inspires you as an artist?

Current events. Tom and I have a good amount of life lived to reflect on as well. And all that I mentioned previously. Philosophies and the mysteries, our songs explore just this. Trying to figure out the cause and it's most likely effect. And when it comes to the musical aspect, we are so inspired by the 80s and 90s. The vibe, the instruments and experimental expression. Just can't get enough.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

It seems to be changing in a very positive way. Obviously, the industry became a "machine" since the late 90s. And it became more about the artist, less about the music. Which Spotify is actually making it more about the music again. Which is good. Just wish Spotify paid more .. who doesn't! But we are on thousands of playlists, and even if someone enjoyed our song and listened a few times, they still might not know our real names or faces. And I like that. It's about the song. It's about the feeling it brings. Which then just inspires you to keep making more music. And we so hope live music comes back with vengeance once Covid hopefully mutates into dust. Festivals all over, all of the time.

What's the best piece of advice another musician ever gave you?

I have 2, from really amazing mentors. 1 - one said, "there aren't any shortcuts in this industry." And he has been so right. You have to put in the time, the effort, the money. Nothing is for free. And if you are promised the Moon and Stars, it's probably a false alarm. I think it's much better to have control over your art anyway.

2 - "Just make it happen." One of my theater directors always said this. Speaks for itself.

What are your plans for the future?

Release more music. We have a lot in the works. And our plan is to look for opportunities to allow our musical lives, to be our main source of income and adventure. And just keep growing as people and as artists. We are really enjoying what we are doing right now, so we will continue to do it, as Moon and Aries, and allow for expansion in all areas.