Interview: Kevin Bailey - Blue Devil Vol. 2

Kevin Bailey is a highly versatile mixed media artist whose preferred mediums are through music and fashion, having a unique and innovative approach to business as it pertains to ideas, marketing and execution. He won the “VFILES PASS THE AUX” Song competition in May 2020 and Sony Music Contest in July 2020. His other success was a successful merchandise custom hoodie launch for the single “LaZer Rap” in July 2020 from his very own clothing brand “” and featured on Grand Theft Auto V's Radio Station, under the group “EGB” with the song “Clout” in 2020. Also released two videos in the past two years, both over 1.4K views. (“Icy Watch” released October 2018, and “LaZer Rap” released November 2019).

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Kevin Bailey, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

Growing up around my father and his homies making music on the eastside of Detroit he had a lot of renowned rappers from the city in his basement in early 2000s.

How do you differ from most other artists?

I am the word different. Like literally I am the reason they created the word "Different". To add on to that. I am best of every world in music Genre there's no limit to my limit, I love it all.

Your latest release is 'Blue Devil Vol. 2'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Absolutely. I was broke as shit mann lol, getting pressured by my mom and grandma to get my life right, get a job, get your own crib blaha blah blah, right? But I recorded the project mostly at my grandma's. Where I also still and currently live lol. I remember my grandma would complain about my mastering process because I had the krks booming downstairs, but it was worth it lol.

Where did you get the inspiration for this EP?

From the first Ep "Blue Devil Vol.1" of course but I always wanted to create a chapter type roll out for myself. The "Blue Devil" had always been like a repeated character in my mind so I figure this must have been it. It describes my life I feel coming from hell lol.

How long did you work on the 'Blue Devil Vol. 2'? Was it an easy process for you?

No actually, but I was learning how to mix and become an engineer for myself especially at that time so it was a great thing for me because I feel every artist should mix their own shit anyway or at least try to.

Do you have any weaknesses that you're actively working to improve on?

Right now, I feel my only weakness is being in my city (Detroit, MI) and I only say that because I think the people around here don't even understand what's in front of them, we like Gotham City for real it's not much and we have a lot of hate, but I think it comes from our struggling environment. we real tough here man.

Which qualities do you think make a great musician?

Being inspiring I think that's the only reason to make music is to help change people for the better. Help them take shit to the next level.

How do you find yourself in the music business? When you started out in music, did you know it would be like this?

Being mentored by my older cousin (Dewitt DeNotes) really helped me become business savy I would say I was around a lot of opportunity around him, but I wasn't ready for anything mostly, but I learned a lot being around him he has sort of a name in my city he was like "No id" to Ye but for me.

Who is your favourite musician?

Ima give it to Pharrell Williams it changes lol could never just choose one lol but that's my guy.

What are your plans for the future?

To continue to elevate maybe next interview would be xxl never know. But I have a lot of schemes to play out lot of new projects Ima be a part of so hopefully I can get more by giving more.