Interview: Kingna Scott - Believer

Hailing from Farmville, and relocating to Virginia Beach, VA, Kingna Scott’s brand of sensually seductive and groove-forward music blurs the line between styles. Rather than pigeonholing herself into a box, Kingna Scott’s music reels in influences from across the spectrum – from the deep, emotive weight of R&B, to noir Jazz vibes and the rawness of Hip-Hop, Kingna’s music is as colorful as it is dynamic. With a handful of solid releases over the years released on reputable labels like ‘Heir Wave Music Group’, Kingna’s unique brand of music has also attracted a plethora of heavyweight collaborators.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Kingna Scott, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

I've always been musical. It's genetic. My dad's side are all musicians, but there was turbulence in my childhood, so I didn't get musical training from them. My church and a few family members started getting me to perform at all the local churches when I was around 3 years old. Since then, it's just been a force in my life.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I would love to collaborate with Pharell and Chad. They have influenced me so much that it would only be right to create something with people I saw as an inspiration while finding myself musically.

Your latest song is 'Believer'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Yes, absolutely! After I began to just ignore fear and just be proactive, my life began to take a turn. I ignored those who didn't believe in me, and that made a difference as well. The creation of the song came from paying attention to my own life; I took a step back and wrote, then I put a magnifying glass on my life and wrote. I looked at the past, then the present, and compared the two. The steps I was taking were working, and I was eager to put it in a song to share so others could also be believers.

What are you focussing on right now?

Right now, I'm focusing on letting people in. I feel like potential fans don't know who I am, how long I've been working on my craft, and what I'm about. It's up to me to introduce myself to the world, and I have to expand to all corners. This is essential for my success.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my resilience. I can't believe I didn't just give up and throw the towel in. It's been a long, hard road, but I stuck it through. I'm still here and more prevalent than ever!

What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?

The biggest challenge of being an artist is standing out to be heard. The internet is flooded with copycats, bandwagon people, and wave riders. I'd like to be heard, once someone actually listens, like total undivided attention, they hear me for real. I get DMs all the time like, "hey I listened to your song 20x but last night, I was alone, and it hit different." My lyrics have something to say, and it seems listeners aren't used to actual story telling, so get used that.

How do you structure your day?

This is a funny question because I feel like I have no structure. My day job is crazy, so I have to devote actual time slots to everything I do. I usually get up as early as possible, which is anytime before 6:30. I workout, walk my dog, meditate, then respond to emails/messages, then I work on something. If I get too flooded with work-work, I will devote one entire day to music out of the work week. Monday's are music Mondays. I have a monthly music calendar to look at for reference so that I can make sure I'm doing at least one thing to market myself per day. If I miss one day, then I just go extra hard on another day. I literally try to go hard at least 4 days out of the week, while also keeping the pressure low for my mental health.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

I am also a visual artist. I paint, sculpt, design clothing, and restore furniture. I used to be a "flipper." I'd go to thrift stores, or ride around to find things on curbs, restore them, and sell them or keep them for myseif. I am a fitness fanatic. I was a trainer for 7 years for big chain fitness gyms, and well-known groups. If I don't see my body's composition change, even the slightest, I'm busting out some circuits asap. I take diet and weight training very seriously. I'm also a cook. I love food more than my dog, and I adore my dog.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Yes, I sing in the shower. Songs range from "Hairspray" the musical, "Good Morning Baltimore" to be exact, to Lil Jon's "Crunk Juice" at the top of my lungs. Crunk Juice is the best album to get big in the gym to, by the way.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to be a wholesome name in everyone's home. I'd like to be that artist that has gained so much respect from my music, that I'm spoken of like how Beyonce's fans defend her. I'm going to keep releasing quality songs and visuals, keep performing, and keep collaborating with fire artists. I have many songs that are completed, and even more to finish writing. I can just go and go. I plan to go big in the future!