Get Peppered With The Acoustics in This Week's LITM Indie Rock Picks with Artists like Safari Room, Tony Lio, Chords of Indigo, and Others

Get Peppered With The Acoustics in This Week's LITM Indie Rock Picks with Artists like Safari Room, Tony Lio, Chords of Indigo, Hákon Hjaltalín, and Strange Souvenirs.

Safari Room - Blunderbuss 

Led by Alec Koukol, Safari Room is an indie rock outfit with a special brand of the genre. Branded with their keen individuality, their work is an outlier with a universal appeal. Their latest single, Blunderbuss is edgy in the most mellow way. With pressing bass lines and a soft percussive pallet, the soundscape is broody and hypnotic. Scaling across this backdrop is Alec Koukol’s baritones, that is expressive in its apathy and resigned cynicism. But as the song progresses, we see deliberate infusions of hope and optimism in the manner of emphatic beats, clashing synths, and soaring riffs. Listeners of Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, and the like are sure to enjoy the sonic covenants of this band. 

Tony Lio - Sweet Romantic 

Tony Lio is a singer-songwriter and rock artist with a knack for immersive storytelling. Despite his affinity to minimalistic soundscapes, the artist makes it matter with impactful production value and resonant themes. The conscientious assembly of acoustics, riffs, beats, and harmonies in his latest single, Sweet Romantic is a stellar example of his artistic vision and intricate execution. It opens with spheres of ethereal light, radiating and projecting a pensive quality that is slowly absorbed by soundscape. Everything else follows suit, with the lilting acoustics and ignited riffs conceptualizing the story in the vocals. If you enjoy the work of John Mayer and James Bay, this artist is for you. 

Chords of Indigo - Hits Right 

Up next we have the solo act of Lee Hornsby, aka Chords Of Indigo, an indie alt rock artist from Manchester, UK. ‘Hits Right’ is Lee’s debut single in which he introduces his style and more importantly his refreshing sonic concepts and perspectives. Reminiscent of the visual soundscapes of Arcade Fire and the emotional appeal of Modest Mouse, the track is the perfect combination of romance and tragedy. Chords of Indigo carries on the acoustic rock vibe of the predecessors, amplifying the slanting melodies with sublime riffs and glassy synth harmonies. His narratives stem from a place of deep humanity, before branching into honest expositions of personal experiences that you identify with.

Hákon Hjaltalín - Battle With Mortality

Icelandic singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Hákon Hjaltalín tackles existentialism with a marked 60s and 70s influences. The artist has just released his sophomore single of this year (2023) titled Battle With Mortality. You can instantly pick up on the islands of The Beatles and Queen imprints that seamlessly float across the melancholic sea of acoustic rock up till the climactic shreds and soliloquies. There’s a little bit of folk mixed in with the acoustic expression. The softness of the piano keys and guitar strings lend a buoyancy to the soundscape; perfectly tempering the gut-wrenching effect of Hákon’s vocal expression. Listen Now! 

Strange Souvenirs - Slight Mod 

Just as the name suggests, Strange Souvenirs, the artist delivers absurdity by the pocketful. Each track of his has an awry personality, aligned with strange ideas and stranger emotions. In his latest track, Slight Mod, a coalition of electronica and riffs fathom a hypnotic dimension. As you pass through orchestral ensembles, shoegaze properties, and surreal planes of melody, you can’t help but marvel at the wealth of sonic possibilities that Strange Souvenirs unearths. He provokes a consciousness that is apparently unfamiliar, but the more you listen, you begin to identify a nuanced familiarity. Listeners of Beach House are sure to love the cerebral vibrancy of this track.  

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