LITM Rock Picks Feature the Bold and Experimental Sounds of King Size, Mark Docherty and More!

LITM Rock Picks always deliver the best and the brightest of the indie rock music scene and this week is no different with songs crafted by the talents of David S. Monk/Powers of the Monk, 9 o’clock Nasty and I am the Unicorn Head, King Size, Mark Docherty as well as Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps! 

David S. Monk/Powers of The Monk - Firefly

David S. Monk operating under the alias Powers of The Monk is a Detroit-based musician/band and brings a wonderfully authentic vibe with his latest release “Firefly”. The song has a retro soundscape that is reminiscent of the slow bluesy style of rock of the late 50s with a modern edge to it. Storytelling in song form, “Firefly” tells a macabre story of a wannabe terrorist who sees terrifying messages through fireflies in the night. Thoroughly melancholic in its sound and tone, “Firefly” conveys this indescribable heart-wrenching feeling in you as listen to it. Powers of the Monk are true artists and “Firefly” is a true piece of art! 

9 o’clock Nasty and I am the Unicorn Head - Dude, Your Mom’s a Squid? 

9 o’clock Nasty collaborates with I am the Unicorn Head to bring you a Biblically accurate acid trip of a song with their latest release “Dude, Your Mom’s a Squid?” Describing the visions and feelings that the singer experienced after eating a dodgy slice of pizza, “Dude, Your Mom’s a Squid?” is a psychedelic masterpiece. A mind-bending collaboration of musical prowess, storytelling and dry humour this track is really one-of-a-kind. I don’t think I can fully capture or translate the wonderful vibes and whimsical flights of fancy this single takes, but it is a truly spectacular experience that you must listen to!

King Size - Sick People Are The Most Dangerous People

King Size delivers an energetic powerful tune with their single “Sick People Are The Most Dangerous People”. The songwriting on this tune has a very stream of consciousness feel to it delivering a somewhat surreal tone to the message of the song. Speaking about the instrumentation, the guitars are loud and powerful with spirited drumming lines. The soundscape they result in creating is rich and full of life and the power chords as well as the riffs are catchy embedding themselves in your mind. King Size has crafted a song that is an absolute bop and we can’t wait to see what they put out next!

Mark Docherty - Reckless Abandon 

Mark Docherty takes a slow ambient approach to craft his latest song “Reckless Abandon”. The song opens on heavy basslines accompanied by Mark’s charming and raw singing that combined with his high notes in the chorus give “Reckless Abandon” a moody and somewhat surreal soundscape. Also featured in this song is a fantastic guitar solo that reaches insane peaks. Nestled within the chorus is also a somewhat liberating note that gives the song subtle shades of nuance that contrast well with the downbeat tones the rest of the instrumentation takes. Mark Docherty is a talented artist and “Reckless Abandon” was a joy to listen to! 

Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps - Something New

“Something New” is a song that is gorgeous and bold in its sound and style throughout the duration of its runtime. Tom Tikka has managed to craft a soundscape that is simultaneously incredibly wide and dizzyingly tall while remaining intimate. He’s not afraid to be vulnerable with his singing and the sheer emotion in his voice tugs at the hearts strings. The use of pianos, synths and a choir makes this song sound powerful and massive and gives it an almost anthemic feel akin to riding a rising wave. Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps have crafted true art with “Something New” and you should check it out!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator