Listen/review: Moses Sumney - Lonely World

Words by Evan Crandell @ec_onthe1

Moses Sumney keeps forging his own path in the music world. The L.A. singer most recent release, “Lonely World,” is the first single of his Lamentations EP. The dreamy, melancholy track also features bass virtuoso Thundercat. The two spend much of the song alone together, with Sumney’s warm, arching vocals set against Thundercat’s fluttering bass figures. The other instruments and production slowly creep in, however, beginning with pumping drums under the chorus, and building to a full on explosion by the track’s end. The song climaxes with exquisite vocal harmonies on top of pulsing bass notes and propulsive drums. Sumney’s music exists outside of the confines of any genre, with perhaps the only distinction being that it is always well worth a listen.

Moses Sumney's Lamentations EP is out now to stream and purchase on iTunes