Review: Sisyphes - Saṃsāra

Words by Cécile Frangi

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With a name inspired by a Greek myth and a song about the Buddhist concept of eternal birth and death, Sisyphes immediately come across as a deeply philosophical and spiritual band. Based in Margate, the Anglo-French four-piece released their first track 'Hispanie' earlier this year on A Certain Kind Records, recently followed by 'Samsāra'.

Exploring “the imminence of death transcending our lives”, this new single is characterised by a gentle longing and dreaminess both in the soft vocals and fuzzy, shoegazey guitars. While conveying a certain sense of despair and monotony, the song manages to remain comforting and engaging, inviting us to accept and embrace the inevitable: “Talk to your death and let it be / Let it be part of you / May it say 'I haven’t touched you…'”. In these difficult and uncertain times, Sisyphes encourage us to keep going; to push up the symbolic rock of human suffering to the top of the mountain, again and again. Ultimately, 'Samsāra' is a soothingly introspective track that brings perspective and depth to our decidedly strange and troubled existence.