Review: Walter Mmari - Emotional Skies

Coming from Johannesburg, South Africa, Walter Mmari is a solo artist that has been creating ambient and electronic music since 2001. Walter believes in the healing power of music and I truly believe that “Emotional Skies”, his fresh new single, can have that effect on the listener.

Words by Marco Guerra

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When we start listening to the first few seconds of "Emotional Skies", we are first presented with an apocalyptic atmosphere, which quickly transforms into a delicate landscape with the entrance of the flute. The song was built in layers, which gradually emerge: after the flute, we have the piano, whose melody merges in a sweeping way with the flute. Then, the extended and subterranean bass brings even more greatness to this incredible work. What to do now? Put on your headphones, scroll down, click the “play” button, sit back and take a glance to the sky when you listen to it!

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This review was created via Musosoup #sustainablecurator