LITM Pop Picks: Immerse yourself in vibrant soundscapes from artists Cas Du Pree, President Street, Spirits of Saturn, and others

In LITM Pop Picks this week, we bring masterful compositions that are emotional and engaging from artists JOSSLE, Cas Du Pree, President Street, HARA, and Spirits of Saturn.

JOSSLE - Mother

In Mother, JOSSLE crafts a unique and intriguing sound that instantly appeals. It features Decarterat’s soft and velvety vocals that add plushness to the sound. The track, through its artful lyricism, describes the invaluable presence of a mother in one’s life. In the simplicity of a mother’s love, there is a vastness and a profoundness that can only be felt, not understood. And JOSSLE captures this character, the essence of this love, through stripped-back acoustic aesthetics and powerful vocal performance. Within the sonic minimalism, JOSSLE creates an expansive quality to the sound. Plucky strums, textured percussions, and atmospheric harmonies form a rich backdrop, and atop this medium, the dual vocals glide, like birds in the wind, graceful and moving. Listen to Mother by JOSSLE here!

Cas Du Pree - Takeaway Love

Takeaway Love by Cas Du Pree is an emotionally charged and cinematic pop ballad. The music is deeply indulgent, teeming with synth spreads, warm ambiance, passionate vocals, and a lively rhythm. Cas Du Pree blends pop and rock infusions masterfully, fusing synth-pop sounds with a powerful riff section, adding a personal touch to the music. Reflective piano notes set a bright mood, accentuated by the commanding presence of the singer’s voice. As buoyant beats emerge, vocal harmonies erupt, the ambiance grows more radiant, and emotions swell in the music. All the elements blend seamlessly to create a serene yet stirring soundscape, immersing you in its aural exuberance. Listen to Takeaway Love by Cas Du Pree here!

President Street - I DON’T WANNA BE

Melbourne and Perth-based pop-fusion duo Ruby and Pete, known by their musical moniker, President Street brings a sensational pop sound in their single, I DON’T WANNA BE. Bright and upbeat, the music is bustling with R&B, synth, and pop elements. Ruby’s silky and golden vocals embellish the soundscape with towering melodies, adding dimension and dynamism to the sound. The production is intricate and lush, with luminous synth atmospheres, undulating tunes, infectious rhythms, and more. The enthralling mix of authentic lyricism and sophisticated instrumentation makes President Street’s discography one to watch out for. Listen to I DON’T WANNA BE by President Street here!

HARA - Until You Dont

Until You Dont by HARA is a lively, feel-good song that has a crucial message- A new start is around the corner. It reminds us that life is fluid, ever-changing, and ever-evolving, and the best way to get through is to go with the flow. The music, colored in indie, dream-pop hues, is warm and bright, with tranquil and exciting moments. An upbeat rhythm flows with vibrant guitars, synth melodies, and textured tunes. The singer’s reverb-drenched vocals ebb and flow like waves, delivering melodies with a crisp fresh style. A lot of interesting tones and textures erupt towards the finale, taking you along in the music’s current, steady yet swirling. HARA crafts a truly magnetic and entertaining sound in Until You Dont. Listen here!

Spirits of Saturn - Transfigured

Spirits of Saturn revives the nostalgic synth-wave-disco-pop sound with a modern flair in Transfigured. They wash away the dulling gloom and doom of our age with the vibrancy of their soundscapes, and it is an escape that you will gladly venture into. In this track, there is a synth-led disillusioned mood, heightened by sprawling spreads of metallic melodies, thumping beats, radiant ambiance, and rousing vocals. The choral vocal harmonies, vivid piano motifs, and brooding strings add a cinematic, grand character to the music, mirroring the depth and weight of the lyrical themes. The song grips your attention from the first to the last notes, consuming you in the richness of the music and the profoundness of the lyricism. A riveting listen that will surely captivate you. Listen to Transfigured by Spirits of Saturn here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator