Kamil's Big Three: SATRE / Ricky Rique / Wolf

The Big Three: The following tracks are a selection of those submitted through Musosoup that deserve your close attention!

Kamil Bobin

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SATRE - Alone
Location: Åland Islands, Aland
Release date: 19/07/21

Satre unveiled his latest track titled 'Alone', which is the quintessential chill world where everything is as it should be and everything succeeds as it can. It's rare that an artist can convey this to their audience, but here we have an exception.

The track 'Alone' has some amazing sounds in it, additionally wrapped in a great vocal that knocks you off your feet and makes the world more beautiful and every day special. Listening to this production you can feel like a bird that rises into the air and flies as far as it can. All these aspects make the uniqueness extraordinary and it is hard to make a conspiracy theory out of it.

Every fan of musical rapture should take an interest in Satre's work and certainly won't regret a single second spent on tracks such as 'Alone'. It is worth living and worth listening to such beautiful compositions.

RICKY RIQUE - Use 2 Love You
Location: United States, NYC
Release date: 15/08/21

Ricky Rique presents his latest track titled 'Use 2 Love You'. As the title suggests there is a lot of space for love in this production, which seems like a very good decision, as love is very important and should be conveyed in every way possible.

Ricky Rique is a talented artist who has a very beautiful timbre to his voice and certainly many fans of his talent. In 'Use 2 Love You' there are some very cool tropical/hawaiian elements that bring in an amazing atmosphere which will make you want to listen to this track again and again.

In conclusion, if the listener feels like listening to something light, pleasant and pleasing to the ear, this track is perfect in every element. So it is worth adding it to your playlist and enjoying every second of it. Ricky Rique's work will surely stay with us for longer, as he is a complete artist.

Wolf - Mentality
Location: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Release date: 01/10/21

The track 'Mentality', produced by Asian artist Wolf, is a great combination and play on sounds where the harsh vocals dominate, leaving everyone who listens stunned. Additionally, a huge work is done by a large number of percussion elements, which evoke incredible emotions, which are hard to describe in a nutshell.

Many artists try to find their way in today's world of difficult artistic choices and only a few rise to the occasion. Here we have a perfect example that if you want it, it can be done. Wolf is the perfect artist for today's times, when you have to push yourself to the limit to make a name for yourself. Is this normal? Not necessarily, but you shouldn't worry about it, just move forward.

In my opinion, the track 'Mentality' is a must-check and only then will everyone be able to answer their questions. It's simple but difficult at the same time.