Interview: Matyascorvinus - Her Shadow In The Flame

It all began with the ukulele. About six years ago Matyascorvinus read from a paper about this extraordinary instrument. Soon after the first ukulele was at home. Matyascorvinus started to study the fundamentals and discovered what an expressive instrument was in his hands. Experiments started and, for example, Bach was played. Later Matyascorvinus changed to guitar, and while honing his technique has been ignoring all the theory of notes and chords, and writes the music following his intuition, aiming to find the beauty, serenity and simplicity in his music. And, according to received feedback, has succeeded in delivering peaceful feelings and reminding people of beauty and the undisputed greatness of nature - a crucial part of Matyascorvinus' music with its astonishing sounds.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

How has the time gone for you since our last interview?

Well, feels that it goes almost too fast. There was a time when a year felt to last an eternity. Today, a year passes so quickly you don’t even notice it. Since the last time so much has happened. To be honest, too much. We all know what’s the situation in Europe right now, crisis after crisis. Occasionally, it has been a struggle to keep the faith. However, I want to remain positive. I believe there are better times ahead.

How can you describe the music you make?

It is simple, minimalistic, (to my ear) beautiful and very emotional. I call it pseudo-classical. It is also a mystery to me; I never have anything in my head when grabbing the guitar. Everything comes out from somewhere deep within. My fingers are exploring the fret board and if it sounds nice, I will memorize it. The music makes itself, there is never anything planned.

Your latest track is 'Her Shadow In The Flame'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Unusual is, that Her Shadow In The Flame started as an ordered work. It was supposed to be a cover song, requested by my friend. I did the job but his contribution never happened. So, I decided to keep it myself; in my opinion it turned out good. I made little changes to the original version...and here it is.
The original song covered is by Cathedral (Hopkins the witchfinder general), which is one of my favourite songs ever. And as you already noticed; the story is about witchcraft and inquisition. In short: unjustified violence against defenseless human beings , a war on women. A dark page of history, true insanity and a rich source of folklore and stories familiar to many.

For me the times of witchery has always being an intriquing era and I have studied it a lot, being a diehard fan of gothic subjects and things related to dark arts etc. But: instead of a horror story, this little song turned out to be a soundtrack of longing. The great missing of a loved one, maybe gone forever. And today, when unjustified violence against defenseless human beings a-g-a-i-n takes place in Europe, it is right to remind what it is to be a human to a human. It should be peace, love and understanding. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, it is pure evil and hatred. However, I believe it's love that prevails. Some day dark days will be over...again.

Do you have common hobbies beyond music?

Sure! Running is my passion. It also has a very positive effect in my psyche. I quit drinking 11 years ago. After noticing that a good run works better than alcohol; it get’s you a very natural high which lasts long. Then, reading. I read a lot of history. Or shadow history, as I call it. Which means things and phenomena much disregarded by ”official” history. I’m also a big fan of Netflix, watching the series almost all the time. I have a dog, Lara. She’s actually not a hobby, but the way of life. I have always had dogs. Then there are theatre, art, nature…that nourish your soul.

What is the biggest decision you’ve had to make?

Oh, there are many! Maybe the most important, and the best, decision in my life was quitting drinking. To be honest, I had to choose between alcohol and marriage. Another very big decision, and a leap into unknow, was quitting my former job, going to school and starting a new career. It was not simple. Quitting a steady job has its own risks. But everything went well!

What are your achievements to the moment?

In life: growing up as a decent person. To be a good tax payer. Ok, sounds a bit cheesy, but living in society like this there are all reasons to do your part properly and be a good citizen. Finland is a wellfare state that has always taken care of its people. We have a strong trust in our system and people in power. Living next door to a country completely opposite makes it easy. So, am I a patriot, you may ask. No, I’m not. My heart resides in Europe, afterall.

In music: I have managed to create something that makes me happy. I am making my very own music. I am in this all by myself, controlling every aspect of my work. And I love it! Deep down I am a lonely wolf. Some say, a hermit. Maybe. But I’m okay with that.

I have also managed to touch people’s hearts with my music. I think that’s quite an achievement.

How do you structure your day?

Well, you get up early, go to work, come home etc. But, there’s still lots of time in the evenings and weekends to do what ever you want. Hobbies, that is. Without forgetting to take it easy on the couch! Off duty I try not to structure at all, just float.

What are you focusing on right now?

Since Feb 24. I have been strongly focusing on the situation in Ukraine. I am anxiously waiting for the war to end. Right now, I’m also focusing on Her Shadow In The Flame, how is it going. It has also been an artistic break after the release, so next thing I’m going to do is to start rehearsing again. With new songs. I’m also planning to re-release my second EP with some extras. Maybe in the beginning of next year.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

An excellent question. There is no certain person, but I would love to work with someone coming from a very different genre. Like from extreme metal: I am a metalhead. So, it would be fascinating to record with, say, Andy Sneap or Eric Rutan, for example. I love cross overs, always have. I would not prefer to have some classical guy in the studio, to be honest, but a guy from completely different world. I believe that making opposite ends to meet leads into very satisfying results.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Ha-ha! Thanks for asking. I don’t, to be honest. There’s already a jukebox in my head, non stop. So, that’s enough for me. Besides, now that there is an energy crisis in Europe, I have decided to have very quick showers. No time to sing. Fortunately!