Interview: Wizardom - Synthcronicity

Wizardom reveals his magical debut album, 'Synthcronicity'. An album twenty years in the making, multidimensional storyteller Wizardom released ‘Synthcronicity’ on Friday, April 21. Containing elements of spoken word, dreamy interludes, punchy synths, and thought-provoking lyrics, the debut album invites listeners to follow The Harmonic Wizard on a journey through self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment as he teaches us to embrace our inner magic.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Hello Wizardom. What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician?

I have a passion for my singing, music, and message and the persistence to keep going.

Who inspired you to make music?

I am an 80s child, and I was inspired by the rock, pop, and variety of music that came out at that time. Also, sonically, it inspired my current synth-based, 80s sound. I also wanted to be an actor and went to a performing arts college, where I fell in love with singing and decided to go down that path instead of acting. I was a quiet young man, and singing allowed me to express myself with a big voice when I never felt I had one. Also allowed me to be myself instead of being other people as an actor.

Your latest release is 'Synthcronicity'. Can you share with us the background of its creation, and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Indirectly, it took 20 years for it to come out, as some of the tracks were written in 2002/2003, when I had a difficult time living overseas on a working holiday to the UK or Ireland. The album was made and recorded over a few years with different delays, e.g., COVID. Each song was random but ended up fitting into the theme of "Synthcronicity" and becoming like a concept album, despite that not being my intention when I started the album.

Can you briefly describe each of the tracks that are on the album?

Track 1: Once upon a time = short spoken word introduction
Track 2: Tiger Inside: Being more courageous and embracing your wild, animalistic side
Track 3: Love is not a four-letter word." Being afraid to let love in, i.e., a closed heart
Track 4: Jigsaw Heart: Yearning for Love: Is there a partner out there for me?
Track 5: Love is like the sun." Despite the challenges or dark clouds, the sun or good times will come through.
Track 6: Midlife Opportunity: Crisis or Challenges are an opportunity to grow no matter what your age
Track 7: "Naked" = "embracing vulnerability
Track 8: Synthcronicity is a short spoken word track sharing what "Synthcronicity" means.
Track 9: Welcome Me Home": Feeling at home as a suburbanite or city person when I connect with nature and wanting to do it more
Track 10: Go with the flow (Vai con il flusso): When you get your life organized, you can then trust, surrender, and go with the flow more.
Track 11: Infinite Possibilities: When your life is in flow or on track, then the possibilities to create an amazing life can happen.
Track 12: Just the Beginning" is a short spoken word track showing that despite a big journey to get to this point in my life and in the album, it is just the beginning.
Track 13: Embracing your uniqueness, your differences, and not conforming to what others or society want from you

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest musical trends?

Reading different magazines and blogs Even though platforms like Spotify aren’t good for artists financially, as a consumer, I get access to a large collection of new and older music, which inspires me.

What makes you different from others?

I am multidimensional, so I have music and lyrics that share my messages, i.e., they are either uplifting or thought-provoking. I also have the visuals through my brand, look (wearing a wizard robe), video, and photos on stage. So I connect with my fans on different levels.

I also don’t follow all the traditional marketing and promotional methods but go in between music, education, speaking, self-development, and new age genres.

What’s an average day like for you?

As an independent artist, I have a flexible day job to support myself financially, and when I don’t have shifts, I work on Wizardom in between. Nights I tend to relax, and weekends I work, socialize, or perform.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans.

At this stage, it is through social media and traditional media until I can get out on the road and perform more.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

It is never too late to follow your magic, no matter what your age, race, sexuality, or personality type (e.g., myself being a quiet, introverted older artist).

What are your plans for the future?

To share the album and message through performing concerts and fringe festival shows throughout Australia and globally, To bring out products and merchandise through the Wizardom and Synthcronicity brands and concepts.