Interview: Kaiyah Mercedes - I Don't Know Who You Are Anymore

'I Don’t Know Who You Are Anymore' is the second single by 15 year old singer/songwriter Kaiyah Mercedes, and follows the release of her debut single ‘After Summer Ends’ in February 2022. With Nirvana and Foo Fighters inspired instrumentation, and powerful lyrics, this track fills you with catchy feelings of regret and anger for someone who has done you wrong. 'I Don’t Know Who You Are Anymore' is the perfect song to sing out loud in your car, with a hooky melody that will be sure to get stuck in your head. Initially written as a melancholic piano ballad, Kaiyah Mercedes and Melbourne-based producer Chris Wilson flipped the sound of this song from heartbreak to indignation, creating a soundscape that draws you in with full force.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Kaiyah Mercedes, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

I have always been a huge fan of music because I grew up with my parents always playing different types of music all the time. I had a few guitar and piano lessons when I was younger but I gave those up fairly quickly as I didn't enjoy the theoretical part. In 2020, I taught myself guitar and piano and started putting my lyrics to music for the first time. The music I grew up with is still some of my favourite music, so I think that's where it all started.

What is your creative process like?

It's always different, but I am always alone when I write. I like being in a dark room by myself, and I usually start with a specific lyric that I randomly came up with. From there, I make up a simple chord progression on an instrument and I just write. The stories usually come to me as I'm writing, and I almost never start with a plan of what my songs are going to be about.

Your latest song is 'I Don't Know Who You Are Anymore'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

I wrote this song in 2020 when I was 13 and I was going through a really tough time. Having space and alone time in lockdown gave me a lot of time to reflect on things and I started realising a lot of things about a past relationship that I didn't realise in the moment. I originally wrote this song as a really emotional piano ballad, but in the back of my mind I always wanted it to become an angrier sort of rocky song. When I got into the studio, my amazing producer Chris Wilson was able to help me with that vision which was so cathartic. Turning the sadness into something less sad and more upbeat (kind of) was almost therapeutic, and it really helped me feel like I was taking control of that past pain.

What was the most difficult challenge you faced?

Recording is always a challenging process, no matter how fun it is. A lot of time and effort goes into it, and especially for a song that is so personal, it can be really hard to feel like it's finished. Getting it to the point where the song felt right and done took a while, but I am honestly so happy with the result.

What is the biggest mistake you have made within your career to this point?

I am only 15 years old so no big career mistakes so far, but I am sure a few stumbles will occur in my journey that will help me learn.

How do you know when a work is finished?

Haha I think I kind of answered this in a previous question, but as I said before, it's challenging. Personally, I tend to overthink it a lot. People say that artists are their own biggest critic, and that is definitely true. You always want to put out the best work that you can, but you also have to realise that it doesn't have to be perfect (and we shouldn't want it to be!). I love hearing imperfections in the music I listen to, so when finalising my songs I just have to constantly remind myself that the imperfections are okay, and I need to let go of my work because if I don't, I'll never release anything.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

I have quite a few! I have been a ballet dancer for 13 years, I love science (chemistry in particular), I LOVE to read, I'm starting to get into greek mythology, I love acting, and I am also kind of a writer (poetry and novels). I love a lot of things!!!!

Do you have a mentor or coach?

I have been mentored by I Heart Songwriting Club for almost 2 years now. The mentors I have had so far include: Francesca De Valence, Sam Buckingham, Emma Dean, Helen Shanahan, and Jack Nigro. They are all really amazing Australian musicians who have inspired me a lot, and I wouldn't be where I am today without all of these amazing people.

What memorable responses have you had to your work?

There have been so many kind people who have reached out and let me know that they like my music, and each time is honestly like hearing it for the first time. But overall, I think the responses that have stuck with me have been that of my family and friends. My beautiful friends stay up until midnight and listen as soon as it's out, and I love seeing what they think about my work as they listen to it for the first time. My family has also been so supportive, and seeing them post about my music on social media, and hearing that they tell their friends or wear my T-shirts always makes me so incredibly happy. I honestly can't thank everyone who has supported me enough, and it always means the world to me to hear people say they like what I'm doing.

What are your plans for the future?

I'm currently working on my debut album at the moment (which is more than 50% done!!) which is a dream come true, and I can't wait to release it towards the end of the year. I am also going to be recording a music video very soon, releasing a few more songs, and hopefully get to play some more live shows.