Interview: Aldís Fjóla - Burn

Raised in the spectacular nature and melancholy fog of Borgarfjörður eystra, farmgirl Aldís Fjóla started her career at ten years old in a local singing contest. Taking it very seriously, she did not win but continued writing down dramatic lyrics of the death of her cat and other things that needed to come out. In her teen years she drowned herself in Rock, grunge and also happier music, but was always looking for the pain, sarcasm and meaning of the lyrics. With bands like Skunk Anansie, Pearl Jam, No doubt and Alanis Morisette in her ears, Aldís Fjóla wished to experience that raw pain at 16 years old, just to be able to write those words down.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Aldís Fjóla, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

You too, thank you for inviting me. When I was little, I admired people who stood on stage and sang their heart out. I really wanted to be that person, to influence and help people through all emotions with my voice. As a teenager, I lost that confidence and really struggled finding my worth and constantly directed myself in other directions from music. But that never works when you're trying to avoid your passion. So finally, in 2017, I took the step as a solo artist after trying all aspects of a musician in Iceland. I contacted the amazing Stefán Örn Gunnlaugsson, producer and songwriter, and asked him if he wanted to work with me, and he said YES! Today, I have released one album and me and Stefán are working on an EP that will be released next October.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

I love travelling and nature, and coming from a small town in East Iceland named Borgarfjörður eystra, the nature there is a part of me. Photography is another passion and I am an excellent movie, TV and musical nerd.

Your latest song is 'Burn'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Burn is a special song for me. It´s written in Stefán Örn's studio, Studio Bambus in two hours. We just had a little listening party from the 90´s, played our favorite songs from that era, talked about what we wanted to do and then made this rock song. I then went home and did the lyrics and they are very special to me. My first album, Shadows, is full of dark melancholic lyrics from me about things that have happened to me and people around me, and Burn is kind of what comes next. To not listen to what other people or your environment want you to do, but to find your own path, however scared you are to take the jump and show your own self. It's a conversation to myself, to trust the process and follow your dream.

When you are working through problems in your work, who do you talk to?

I usually go to nature, talk to my bandmates or my friends in the music business. I also love to go and do some physical work, being the farmgirl that I am, and then go back to making music and promote or plan. I try to remind myself that I have something to say and how far I have gone in a couple of years.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as an artist?

I try my very best to get inspiration from everything and everyone that comes my way. I find new opportunities, go to concerts and see plays. The best thing I do is travel and see something completely new to get inspired.

Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.

My favorite part is standing on stage with my band in front of people and sing our songs with all the feelings. There is nothing like that. My least favorite part is probably all the promoting, computer work and hustle you have to do as an independent artist. But then I just remind myself why I'm doing this and I get through it.

Can you write what was your best performance in your career? How do you remember it?

My favorite performance was the first release concert we did in my hometown two years ago. It was amazing, playing our songs for a full house of my friends and family for the first time. Then partying all night long. It was so much love and so awesome!

Do you have a mentor or coach?

I am a CVT Vocal Coach myself, so I have Vocal Coaches all around me that help me and guide me when I need to. I also have an amazing Artist Coach, Tamara Gal-On, who has pushed me and helped me challenge myself so much. She is amazing.

Who is your favourite musician?

Skin in Skunk Ananasie and Emiliana Torrini. Their passion, lyrics, music and feeling that just gets into my heart everytime is so mesmerizing.

What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?

I would like to tour outside of Iceland with my amazing band and I got my eyes on UK and Europe next year, I would love to have a full symphony orchestra behind me in concert at some point and I will continue to create music with inspiring people.