Interview: Jade Moede - Rosey My Zombie Girlfriend

Jade Moede is a drummer, singer, songwriter, strums guitar, can stub his toes on the piano, loves to create music. Currently learning how to play the cello. “Rosey My Zombie Girlfriend” is about a girl who was wronged and hence became a ZOMBIE. Now to the boyfriend’s surprise, Rosey was suppose to go to heaven, but instead seeked revenge. The passion of this operatic, sing along, sightly twisted, but oh so classic fulfilling revenge bopping, determined find lost love song. Just tickles a smile onto the people, who ponder the wonder.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

What first got you into music?

At the age of 7, I saw a band concert in a school gymnasium. The song was Jerimiah was a bullfrog was a good friend of mine “Joy to the world” by Three Dog Night. This paticular song featured a top notch drummer, he did a tasty drum solo that had everyone standing up, cheering and clapping an ovation even before the song was over. That made such an impact on me. I wanted to play drums, hence the music bug started to flourish in me.

What do you think your role is in this world?

To strive for the impossible being the best I can perfect at what I love, being perfection is unatainable. To drum to a different beat. To be kind and treat people with integrety. To smile and laugh and share that smile so it lives on.

Your latest track is 'Rosey My Zombie Girlfriend'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Well as a kid I loved old style monster stuff, I loved Famous Monster Magazine & Creepy Magazine, monsters like Frankenstein, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, along with the original Walking Dead. The actual creation of the song came to me in different parts and different years. The beginning vocals before the actual verse, and the actual chorus line were recorded over 11 years ago and sat dormant. I always loved it, and knew someday it would rise from my “dead musical sketch song pile” and seek life. In 2018 I actually wrote the story line and recorded the music. I wanted to write a zombie song that had a little sense of humor to it. It is one of my first songs I ever played cello on, which I’m very proud of. Finally released the song on May 27, 2022. Another fun little diddly about the cover art to the single, is I video taped myself drawing the cover. Which is time-lapsed playing in the background of the super precise lip-synching music video of “Rosey My Zombie Girlfriend” along with a couple of skeletons backing me up. Always remember to have some fun while creating.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

Find a little piece of happiness that makes you smile everyday, especially when having an off day. Share a smile to a stranger, you never know the impact it has on their day. Life is short, enjoy the little things, someday those little things become the best big memories of your life. Constantly learn something new, it puts a new wave of energy into ones mind, hence wakes oneself up. Be open to how you imagine your dreams should be and how they appear.

How do you spend your time?

I try to wake up early and go for a walk with my buddy Bo ( my dog ). Before I enter my job I try and listen to a piece of music that makes me happy. I work at a grocery store, it pays my bills of living. I try and interact with the characters who I work with. Always thinking about conversation and listening for the one line gems that might be an inspiration for a song idea. After work I usually come home and do some freelance graphics which pays for my music habbit. Although I’ve stream lined my production and making of music, one would be surprised at the cost of creating music, and just distributing it. Lol. Man you gotta love it, and it’s hard when the music bug is inside you, yet it’s what one does, besides at the end of the day it makes me happy, to create music. Also during a day, depending on what I want to accomplish, I’ll create and record, or I’ll practice an instrument to better my skillset at drums, vocals, guitar, piano, cello, songwriting, and of course learning how to record and mix. I try and not just practice, that’s a certain mindset, but sometimes I also just relax and enjoy the moment, the vibe, to have fun with the instrument, let the muse be free and see where the ride will go.

What are you most proud of?

Wow, there’s a food for thought. Hmm, Although it hurts, I’m most proud of the fact that I still have the passion for the art of creating, it makes me smile.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

Whoa, it depends on the day and my mood... lol. Okay, I’ll say David Byrne aka Talking Heads.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as an artist?

Currently a portion of my focus is on the art of “Mixing” and very proud to say trying to learn from a master mixing engineer Rachel Alina who is a very dear friend. I actually wrote a song dedicated to her called “Ooo La La Rachel’s Stuff”. Playing live, recording and mixing are three different aspects of my musical life long journey that I continue to learn. Still trying to aquire an authentic liking for social media, hence I wrote a song called “Super Social Media Frenzy”. Learning from networking. Enjoying and nuturing my passion of creating art, which is the essence of being the best I can be at this moment.

Do you think that technology is improving lives?

As with anything, I think it has a place, it’s the new, the unknown. Personally it’s good and it’s bad. Does it improve ones live? Yes. I think technology is a tool, it’s not a person with a heart, yet it can help a heart. I think it’s a big Ying and Yang.

What are your plans for the future?

For the future I’m trying to create a song a month, some with videos. Making sure to really enjoy each day, having a laugh with a loved one or friend. Also trying to start a project that would be a help to all society, but that will be a story for the future.