Interview: Nobody's Wolf Child - Big Bad Wolf

Nobody’s Wolf Child released “Big Bad Wolf” on December 9th, 2022, with Nobody’s Records. The second record of the trilogy of works, it marks a turning point into a darker sound. As with the previous 4 records, this piece comes with a visual counterpart released on the same day. More digital and harder than her previous records, gone are the lavish strings instead replaced with aggressive bass line, bigger drums and a harder vocal, whilst retaining the huge vocal production Nobody’s Wolf Child has become well known for. The video for this record has pushed the team harder technically and thematically than previous records and whilst it was a difficult birth, what has been produced is an incredible realisation of some of the deeper themes running through Nobody’s Wolf Child.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Nobody's Wolf Child, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

Thank you very much. Getting into music, well it's all the howling, It’s very visceral and soulful. Pulls at the insides, makes you want to join in.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

Well I'd be very dull if I did not but I like to leave all that sort of thing to the imagination.

Your latest song is 'Big Bad Wolf'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Besides 9 inter dimensional creatures joining in to write and sing, no nothing unusual...We had wolves turning up in skirt materials while shooting the visuals for devils gold...That was cool, particularly as the material was always supposed to morph into the wolves heads for the video.

Can you reveal the recipe for a musical hit?

I don’t think it’s a big a secret is it? it’s the simplest kind of sponge; Flour eggs sugar. However if you want the kind of hit that's a hit because it's really captured the collective imagination and is actually a good song that stands the test of time, well, you're talking chocolate, cherries, stardust and secrets there.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as an artist?

Not make sponge cake. I write to please myself and my desires are changeable so I guess that keeps things ever evolving.

What inspires you as an artist? Could it be the sea, the weather or something else?

The quickest way to an answer is 'what doesn't inspire you?'

A roads
Queues of any kind
Rewarding mediocrity

How do you spend your free time? What makes you feel relaxed?

There is one way for me to relax properly and that is in the sea. Particularly the Atlantic. She's a raging mother beast. The seas and oceans are so alive they fill the spirit with that life energy, Prana I believe would be the appropriate term and its invigorating yet relaxing. You don’t even need to do anything but just be in it and you are renewed….. but I like to play in the waves with human made things that go fast too.

Do you have a mentor or coach?

No. I have a close creative relationship with Matt my producer and manager but mentor and coach absolutely no. I would never be led. I am ever suspicious of such a relationship, as ultimately it's someone else's thoughts guiding you on how to move through the world and not your own and they often have the whiff of the insidious about them.

Do you think it's easy to become established in the music world, or is it difficult?

I consider myself to be functioning separately from ‘the music world’ it’s not my reality so to speak. I make music and we do our best with the tools we have to get it out and Matt is very efficient with those tools. I’d like to get into sync because I love film and the relationship between sound and visuals. Beyond that I'm just happy to have the music I always wanted to make exist and finally be in a position to create the whole project, visuals and all.. Without that artistic satisfaction, there'd be nothing but a draining slog to nowhere pleasant.

What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?

Putting on Immersive epic shows on stages of growing proportions and beauty.

Carry on writing songs that I love.