Interview: Dani Twice - LOS 999ATOS

Dani Twice is a singer-songwriter, producer and visual artist, currently working in Florida. Born in Colombia and raised in Seattle, he started experimenting with hip hop rhythms during his high school years putting together self-produced mixtapes. However, he decided to wait until he graduated from college as a 3D artist and animator to start promoting his music. Influenced by Kanye West, Odd Future, Cage the Elephant, but also by Manu Chau, Aterciopelados and Calle 13 he used his bilingual music as a therapy to manage depression and anxiety during his troubled youth. His goal is to encourage other people to take an artistic role with themselves and become independent creators of the life they want.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Dani Twice, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. How has the time gone for you since our last interview?

Hey Kamil, I've been scattered, feeling every emotion but growing, after a long time of being lost in the void, I've found my footing and I've done it sober, my music career is finally starting to take shape and I'm not stopping because I see the vision.

What role does the artist have in society?

I think the artist is meant to create spaces for people to live their lives and nourish their personalities with different feelings and messages.

Your latest album is 'LOS 999ATOS'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

The most unusual element was the time span, some songs began as far back as 6 years ago, and went through multiple imaginations where a song could have multiple sets of lyrics or beats. Because I'm involved in every step of the production and teaching myself and growing with a project takes time and you grow old with a project you get to build and learn, build and learn. I spent a long time sculpting and now I stand back and see the final piece with my heart full.

What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?

I remember "wrestling" with my grandpa who, to me, was the strongest man in the world to us. My brother and I would form a team to try to kick his butt as he would casually fling us around my parent's room effortlessly and we laughed and laughed.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

In the 7th grade, my family and I, briefly moved from Seattle to Chicago and for the first time I had a group of friends that were telling me how much they would miss me and were sad I was leaving. Well, Chicago turned out wasn't a very open place to immigrants with no credit history so we returned after 2 weeks, and on my first day back, I arrived late to Algebra class (like a cool kid), and I was expecting my friends to be like YOOO, but as soon as I sat down everyone went like what's that smell? and we all realized that I had stepped on dog shit, and my teacher stopped the class to help me clean it. Nice guy.

Is the artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?

I used to be really lonely, and sometimes I seek solitude, but I have a wonderful family and a loving partner that keeps me grounded and full of adventures.

What is your dream project?

I wanna make an album that stands the test of time and movies or video games that help people grow into better versions of themselves.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Take time to work on your craft before the judgment of anyone, work until you're happy with your art and that will build your compass and artistic instincts. You need those to navigate many choices. Learn as much as your curiosity allows you to, and when you're ready to put yourself out there, be consistent and be yourself, never try to be anything other than you, people can see through that, and you are good enough as you are, you just gotta show it.

When were you generally fulfilled in your position as an artist?

Seeing people reach out with positivity is always fulfilling; I also feel fulfilled in my day job as a visual artist, where I'm constantly learning more about my craft and collaborating with talented people.

What can we expect from Dani Twice in the near future?

You can expect more varied production, more daring vocals, and more positive healing music. It might come out a little darker at first, but after this new wave of a new project I'm working on my music will be more uplifting and diverse.