Interview: Betageist - Together

Betageist is the ghost project of Kevin Heber, an audio software engineer and product of the University of Miami’s Music Engineering program. Aside from electronic music, he has spent a long career in tonmeister tuning and DSP algorithm development for factory vehicle audio systems for manufacturers in the US, Europe and Asia. "Together" is an epic, emotional 8-minute ride inspired by waking from one of those stunningly realistic dreams about being reunited with a loved one who has passed - ghostly and melancholic on the one hand, profound and energizing on the other - and hopefully reflected that way in the ethereal guitar and synth textures. It's a rare track that just poured out and basically wrote itself.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Betageist, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

When I was a kid I would purposely scratch and warp my parents' vinyl records to hear the weird results. My poor parents.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

There's a local famous artist named Josh Kaufman with whom I'd love to produce a ballad - he's a musical genius.

Your latest song is 'Together'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

Together is a special one. It came completely out of a dream and went through the DAW very fast. The dream was about an encounter with a ghost and as with a lot of writing I feel like it was a gift from the air.

What are you focussing on right now?

A new album which is releasing in May. I have a good feeling about it - an hour of material and I'm passionate about every track.

What are you most proud of?

My kids! But as for music it would be making onto the roster of, which is essentially a collection of globally renowned artist names.

What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?

Promotion is a constant drain on everything, but it's like bathing - you could leave it out, but you won't make many friends.

How do you structure your day?

Make new stuff when creativity strikes and recharge the rest of the time - you have to learn how to care for the creativity battery, because it's fickle but so powerful.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

Spending as much time outdoors and with loved ones as possible is the stuff of life.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Just in my head, which is a blessing and a curse - I can't turn it off or even turn it down. Usually it's what I'm currently producing or whatever is my weekly soundtrack. Never the same thing for long.

What are your plans for the future?

I've learned not to plan out very far - we just don't have that much control. I can't stop making music so that is the only given.