Interview: C-Steezee - Get The Yayo

New release from Kevin Gates & C-Steezee titled after the producer "Get The Yayo". C-Steezee is from Seattle. The artist is generally inspired by the entire genre that is Hip-Hop. In the interview I conducted with the artist, you can find many interesting facts about the life and artistic work of C-Steezee. If you like what the artist is doing, you can support him by listening to his tracks on Spotify. The links are attached to the interview.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey C-Steezee, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What have you been up to over the past year in this big old mess?

Hey Kamil! Thank you, it’s nice to be here I appreciate you. This year I have spent most of my time with friends and family. I have taken the last 3 years off of music, I recently returned with “Get The Yayo”

Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.

My favorite part is being able to reach people around the world through the music and seeing them in person. My least favorite part is being in the public eye online where people can hide behind a screen and watch every move you make and being judged for every mistake never knowing who is with you or against you and being treated differently.

Your latest song is 'Get The Yayo'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

I recorded in the studio with my dog Larry a Golden Doodle he is actually snoring in the background I think that’s what gave it the flavor it needed.

According to data from Spotify, you have the most listeners from the United States. Do you plan to do an expansion to the rest of the World?

Oh yea, definitely. I have partnerships overseas, I would like to push it to other worlds as well.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

Gaming, family, dog, repeat.

You have a lot of songs on Spotify. Which one are you most satisfied with?

The new ones whenever their released because they will be the most up to date with the latest sound quality any of my most recent songs as singles.

Most of my albums have been a collection of past material the quality of production is sometimes questionable being that I recorded in a laundromat while homeless lol.

Can you write what was your best performance in your career? How do you remember it?

Ahh yea, Seattle (Studio Seven) I was on tour in 2014 again at this time I was homless (not broke) I just had no place to call home all I had was my music I just lost everything I have ever owned the year before from a divorce while in West Virginia. It felt good to come back to Seattle and get so much love from people even though they had no clue what I was going through at the time.

What is your favourite song to perform?

The birthday party song I like to perform at parties its just a fun silly song I can perform with no boundaries.

What's the best piece of advice another musician ever gave you?

Don’t sell your soul!

What are your plans for next year? Do you have any productions ready to be released?

I constantly release music weekly or bi-weekly the labels have slowed me down because they want me to have it turned in 2-3 weeks in advance so they can promote and do playlist pitching & etc. The next release will be “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” 1/21/22 then from there every week or so.