Interview: David Peril - She's Everyone's Girl

David Peril started writing songs again a year ago after a break of 22 years. After he started recording them and noticed they were pretty good, he decided to ask a few friends to add some backing. They are all very experienced musicians who didn't take the break that he did. This is a song written by him a couple years ago after the birth of his great-niece. Originally just him and an acoustic guitar, he has finally recorded it over the last couple months and added cello and violin. It's a top song if it reaches the right ears.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey David Peril, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?

Nice to chat with you too Kamil, thanks for having me.

My dads record collection, and some of my mums. I remember laying flat on the floor with headphones on when I was 5 years old listening to Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Hollies, Phil Spector, Everly Brothers and The Beach Boys. I love strong harmonies and melodies.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

It won’t ever happen but it would have to be David Byrne. Or a left field choice would be Vitalic, a French electronic producer, that would be fun.

Your latest song is 'She's Everyone's Girl'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

I’ve recorded 3 or 4 versions of this song but when I had the chance to add strings I took it and softened the feel of the song. I did want some female backing vocals but that didn’t happen.

What are you focussing on right now?

I have an album I’m trying to finish. It’s really been finished for a few months now but I’ve been tinkering with the feel of it. It will be released In May 2023 and will be called Pearls A Singer.

What are you most proud of?

I make a mean Veggie Coconut Curry.

What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?

Standing out from the crowd. There are up to 100,000 songs released every day with maybe 2% of them are any good. If anything, it’s too easy to release a song these days. So yes, the biggest challenge is getting heard by the right people. Falling that I should look into forming a streaming platform.

How do you structure your day?

I always have lyrics to finish and they will come to me at any time. I will spend a few hours at least every day sending emails and responding to calls for gigs and offers of coverage. Then once a week I will meet with my engineer to do some more tinkering or to get some new demos down.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

Football and cooking.

I’ve also just accidentally adopted a puppy that I’m very allergic to so my main current hobby is to wash my hands 50 times a day.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

My shower room doesn’t echo very much. I’m much more likely to sing in the bath.

What are your plans for the future?

No doubt trying to secure some worthwhile gigs and coverage. I am half way through a second album and hopefully will release that by the end of the year.