Interview: Charlie Steady - Hello Are You Ready?/Tragedy and Comedy

Dynamic and exciting, "Hello Are You Ready?" and "Tragedy and Comedy" make up the 6th and final A/B single in support of Charlie Steady's 2nd full-length album, Magpie. The single and subsequent album are concept records that tell the adventures of Magpie, the album’s main character, as they journey to become a musical star in the Big City, the place where supposedly all dreams of fame and fortune come true for all artists. Charlie Steady is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer. After performing as a bass player and backing vocalist in multiple bands in his hometown, Charlie Steady started his official solo career with an emphasis on narrative-driven music that spans different genres, including Indie, Alternative, Rock, and Alt-Pop.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Hello Charlie Steady. What made you want to become a musician?

I come from a musical/artistic family, so it always seemed like something I would end up doing. My father is a musician, and my mother is a dancer.

Who helped you most in your musical journey?

My father and close bandmates have been a driving force on my musical journey. My father would give me lessons when I was starting as a bass player. My friends were the first people to introduce songwriting as something that I could do.

Your latest songs are 'Hello Are You Ready?/Tragedy and Comedy'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

These two songs, like the previous singles, give a glimpse into my 2nd album, Magpie. Hello, Are You Ready? is about finding the beauty in the mundane whereas Tragedy and Comedy are about the passion of performing live. I had written these songs at least 10-12 months ago, but just like most ideas, sometimes it takes a while for things to come full circle.

What social issues are you most passionate about?

I advocate for mental health for youth. I have struggled with anxiety my entire life, so I advocate for anyone suffering from anxiety to talk with others or to seek professional help.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest musical trends?

I stay up to date by frequently checking out trending music on TikTok or by listening to the Top 40 radio. I don't let popular or trending music influence my creative decisions, but it is important for artists to always aware of what is happening with their peers or how the culture is reacting to musical art.

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?

Not sure if it is hidden, but I think a message that is consistent throughout all of my songs is to be yourself. Staying true to oneself is extremely difficult to achieve, so I hope my music puts people at ease with their self-perception.

What’s an average day like for you?

An average day when I am working on music is to either sit at a piano or with a guitar and jam with myself. Once I have something that I like for a song idea, I move to record with my DAW station. From there it's about adding layers and getting an instrumental track, afterwards, I'll listen to the recorded instrumentation and write lyrics to the tracks.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans.

I don't think I have fans, but I instead view everyone who listens to my music as friends. I enjoy communicating and reaching out to people who enjoy my work and making those connections and vice versa when they reach out to me. It's one of the most satisfying aspects of being a musical artist is that connection with others through music.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

My advice would be to do what you love without expectation. It's really easy when doing music to get caught up in the glitz and glamor of it, but the truth is that you have to love it and set healthy expectations about what "success" actually is. I think if those two things are in line, whatever you achieve, you will end up being happy.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to expand my live show presence and release my 2nd album Magpie coming late summer 2023.