Interview: Aldís Fjóla - Pipedreams

Raised in the spectacular nature and melancholy fog of Borgarfjörður eystra, farmgirl Aldís Fjóla started her career at ten years old in a local singing contest. Taking it very seriously, she did not win but continued writing down dramatic lyrics of the death of her cat and other things that needed to come out. In her teen years she drowned herself in Rock, grunge and also happier music, but was always looking for the pain, sarcasm and meaning of the lyrics. With bands like Skunk Anansie, Pearl Jam, No doubt and Alanis Morisette in her ears, Aldís Fjóla wished to experience that raw pain at 16 years old, just to be able to write those words down.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Aldís Fjóla, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. How has the time gone for you since our last interview?

Thank you so much for chatting with me. It has been a crazy ride since last time, I have spent most of it in the studio with my co-writer/producer Stefán Örn playing around and writing this EP.

What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?

Basically freedom in the amazing nature of Borgarfjörður eystra. One of my favorite memories is me walking to my grandma’s house in a Little Red Riding hood cape with wine and biscuits in a basket.

Your latest release is 'Pipedreams'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

The making of Pipedreams was a dream come true. I collaborated with my favorite Stefán Örn Gunnlaugsson and got most of my bandmates to play on it and put their signature on it. We had a blast. A lot of unusual things happen when me and Stefan are in the studio, maybe mostly during vocal sessions. We have a lot of screams that came when I screwed up and Stefan put some good effects on that. Maybe we could make a bloopers track with them one day.

How long did you work on the 'Pipedreams'? Was it an easy process for you?

Yes and no. It took around one and a half year to write and record. In that time a lot can happen and my most struggle is with my head vs my heart. The head always tries to keep you in a safe space and often that is not the place I want to be. So it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions regarding recording voice, writing emotional lyrics and finishing touches.

What is your dream project?

Touring the world with my band, who are the best people a girl can wish for.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans.

I love my fans and love to hear from them. I try my very best being active, sometimes I don’t manage it but I love seeing people mouth my words back to me.

What inspires you as an artist? Could it be the sea, the weather or something else?

Of course the nature in Iceland all around and the weather, which changes every five minutes, inspires me. The people around me, movies, music, TV shows, all the emotions you can have and traveling to new places.

Do you think it's easy to become established in the music world, or is it difficult?

I think it takes a lot of work and commitment and if you don’t have the passion yourself for your art you don’t get very far. It’s sad but true that the only one that has passion for your music is yourself, no matter how many people are around you helping you.

Can you reveal the recipe for a musical hit?

Haha, I can tell you when I have written one. In my opinion, always write from the heart and for yourself. That shines through all the other things.

What can we expect from Aldís Fjóla in the near future?

Hopefully a tour around Europe, more music and a lot more where Pipedreams came from.