Interview: Aggressive Soccer Moms - QUINT

Aggressive Soccer Moms' seventh album "QUINT" comes with several novelties. The duo is now a trio. The new member, Stefan, has contributed his music on three tracks. For the first time, ASM has recorded a cover; "Why" by Yoko Ono. Despite these news, the group remains steadfast in its own version of postpunk. All the changes and news just prove the group continues its exploration of the genre and that, despite their (ahum…) age, they never want to stop developing their music. On this album, they introduce jazz sounds into their stubbornly monotonous soundscape. Stefan's compositions are basically laid-back and "lounge-ish". But Thomas' vocals and Anders' guitars effectively sabotage the contemplative touch. And right there, in the joint, the group has created something completely unique.

By Kamil Bobin

Discovered via Musosoup

Kamil) Hey Aggressive Soccer Moms, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. How has the time gone for you since our last interview?

Hi,We’ve been composing, recording and actually rehearsing.

Who helped you most in your musical journey?

We have been doing almost everything ourself in that old DIY vein. But Jörgen Bröms that played on the first couple of records have always proved helpful.

Your latest album is 'QUINT'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

As usually the recordings were smooth and fairly quick. We had a pretty good feeling about what we wanted to do. And how we wanted it to sound. But it doesn't always turn out as planned. "QUINT" didn't turn out as jazzy as we thought. But we are very happy with the end result.

And we did our first ever cover song. Yoko Ono’s “Why” in one take. That was cool.

What do you feel is the best song that you have ever released and why?

Thomas: “It’s Not Love”.

Stefan: “I Call Her Happy”

Anders: “Gossip Rules the World” It's fun that our respective favorite songs are so different. At the same time, you still clearly hear that it is us on the three songs. We can proudly say that we have our own, special sound.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest musical trends?

We don’t. We are totally unaware of what’s going on in the charts. We don’t even listen to the mainstream radio. We just listen to the music we learned to love in the 70’s and 80’s and then we update it in our own way. Not caring about if it’s “in” or “out”.

Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.

Thomas: I love being a musician cause it’s easy (I haven’t been doing music properly for that long time). You do some good songs and then people consider you a musician. I’m from the Art world. That’s a totally different story. The downside is we not getting paid enough.

Anders & Stefan: We've both been musicians for so long so it's hard to say if it feels anything special. It is, quite simply, our normal state.

What’s your scariest experience?

A hard drive crash that delayed an album by just over a year.

Why do you want to record and release your own music?

DIY or die. We are punks since the 70’s. Once a punk always a punk.

What social issues are you most passionate about?

We are anti everything that is unfair, unequal, unjust, rasist, homophobic, misygonistic, violet and such. We oppose selfishness, violence and hatred. But we do hate the ongoing war and that so many people seem not to care about the climatechange. Go Greta.

What can we expect from Aggressive Soccer Moms in the near future?

We are rehearsing for upcoming shows in Sweden this summer and in the US in October. We might write and record another album this year aswell.