Interview: Supernatural - Gianfranco GFN

Written by Marilù Ciabattoni

Discovered via Musosoup

Meet Gianfranco, the dynamic Guitarist & Composer whose musical journey spans diverse genres and rich harmonies. From his beginnings at age 7 to leading his personal project since 2011, Gianfranco's compositions epitomize artistry and collaboration. Rooted in Jazz, Soul, Funk, and Bossa, his evolution as a musician shines through each project, enriched by collaborations with the enigmatic "Mystery Band." Influenced by legends like Santana, Wes Montgomery, and The Police, Gianfranco's discography boasts over 200 songs, each a testament to his musical prowess and creativity. As a self-taught artist, he crafts his signature style to evoke escapism, dreams, and dance, transcending conventional boundaries. With aspirations for collaboration and a forthcoming 5th album, Gianfranco's musical odyssey promises continued innovation and audience engagement, fueled by the unwavering support of his fans.

Introduce yourself: Who is Gianfranco GFN? How and when was the project born?

My name is GIANFRANCO and I'm a Guitarist & Composer, but above all an artist! My passion is composing and creating music, since I started music at the age of 7, I have traveled in different musical worlds adventures with bands, and my personal project began in 2011 with ideas, goals, that have brought me a lot but above all I have the chance to work with many other different artists! That's why I call these musicians the "Mystery Band", because each one brings his or her own creativity and professionalism to the table.

How has your music changed in the past few years?

With several years of musical experience in different styles (Jazz, Big-Band, Rock, Disco-Funk, etc...) I built my project in my favorite musical style "ACID-JAZZ" which brings this mix of (Jazz- Soul, Funk, Bossa) instrumental than Songswriter. Working on my own and being my own conductor, I've called on various musicians from different backgrounds who have brought a touch that I've been looking for, whether through their knowledge, styles, but above all the way they interpret. With my last three albums, the manner, evolution and style are particularly evident. I've also made a lot of changes in the way I compose! My compositions have also evolved a great deal, including the song that is often presented rather than the usual "Turn around", but I've kept a few things that don't break the audience's listening habits.

Who inspired your music? Who are your biggest influences?

I grew up in a family that loved music, first through their traditional folk music, then through the fashionable music of the time with all the greats we know "Beatles, Rolling Stones, Italian, French, etc. ..." but I started music with the Blues, then Jazz, and according to the times all the adventures in various styles! My most notorious influences are all the Jazz musicians of the 50s and 60s, then people like Santana, The Police, Wes Montgomery, Incognito, the world of Soul, the world of the 70s with Motown in particular, etc.... the list would be long, but I think I give an overview of the world from which I also drew inspiration. Not forgetting Italian chanson, where I come from, of course.

Could you introduce your favorite singles you've released so far?

Over the course of my career to date, I've composed over 200 songs. It's not easy to say which songs are my favorites, because for me, they're all very good, in terms of their musicality as well as their particularities. I'd say I could start with the oldest: Race Criminals Cosmos, Chico Blues, Love never dies, Money, Tears of freedom, Island, Bonne & Clyde, So Dance, Docotor Wind, Supernatural, to name but a few!

How did you develop this style? Will you experiment with other genres in the future?

First and foremost, I'm self-taught, having practiced Jazz, where I love the rich harmonies that are used, but at the same time the more basic Blues, with these rhythms coming from the world of Soul, Funk, without forgetting the bossa and rock side, I've created my musical world, my style that I believe today is beginning to be recognized by the listeners who follow me. For me, music should be listened to in a way that lets you escape, dream and dance, without having to find out or understand what the artist was trying to say... or play!

Let's talk about "It's the End:" What inspired it and how did it come to life?

Supernatural ("It's the End") was born, like many of my songs, from a series of chords, a rhythm and a text that had to be married to the music and carry a meaning! I gave it an "Andante" cadence, even if the text contains a call to lost love, with a melody that's a little sad but also joyful to give the song a punch. When you listen to the song, you soon realize that it starts off rather gently, with a rhythm, and the closer you get to the end, you'll find a surge of energy and strength in both the music and the vocals. With an ending and exit that can leave you wondering, but also hopeful for a sequel…

Who produces your tracks? How do you choose which producers to work with? Do you have some dream producers you'd like to work with?

All my tracks I produce myself, since 2015 I've created my own Label and recently I also have a publishing house in collaboration with an office linked to artists for their rights and defenses! Being my own producer gives me and leaves me a great deal of freedom, but it does mean a lot of work! Ideally, I'd love to meet and collaborate with big-name producers, above all so that my music gets more airplay and earns more money, but today this is rather difficult but not impossible, so I can't give you any names, or there are too many very good ones! But I hope I'll meet someone!

Is music your main occupation at the moment? If not, how are you conciliating your day job with your music career?

No, because these days the music business doesn't earn as much as it used to, especially on physical and digital sales. There are concerts, but there are so many of us that our fees are very, very low. So, like many artists today, I have a "food" job, of course, otherwise it would be impossible to continue in this musical world. I have to say that there are a few glimmers of hope, especially over the last 2 years, when I've started to earn more money, especially as my music is spreading more and more, but there's still a long way to go before I can make a living from it without worrying about tomorrow.

 Have you ever been on tour? If not, would you like to embark on one? If yes, tell us about it.

I have to say that it's been a long time since I've done any touring, and as I explained earlier, this is due to a financial problem where the organizers no longer offer attractive fees for everyone! There are so many artists in this musical world that supply and demand has changed. I'm not giving up hope, and yes, I'd love to go on tour again with my Band and discover new stages and magical places, meet new people and present my musical world to them in concert.

Who's your dream feature?

I can't give you a single name, there are many characters, artists, visionaries who have inspired me and some who continue to inspire me, I hope that some of them I'll have the chance to meet one day! Perhaps then it will be worth telling you about them, because something lively and adventurous will have happened.

Where do you see yourself in one year as a musician?

In the course of this year I'll be releasing my 5th album, some of which you can already hear, and others which will be added over the coming months! Then, of course, there will be a sequel, which will be a surprise! I invite the public to follow me on one of my various pages on social networks, and I'd like to invite the public not to forget that we artists need your support whether by following us or by a gesture of purchase or donation, because if the musical world wants to live it also needs financial support.

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