LITM Singer-Songwriter picks for this week rise and fall with various tempos including artists like Tyller Gummersall, James Spencer & Starlight Alice!

Feel the rich melodies of the guitar, country swing and the jumping tempo of our LITM Singer-Songwriter picks including artists like Tyller Gummersall, James Spencer & Starlight Alice!

Tyller Gummersall-Hot Desert Night Dance Floor

His voice will ring in your mind long after the song is done. This talented songwriter brings a new twist to country. Often merging a little bit of the blues, the harmonics and layers in his songs are rich. His latest single, Hot Desert Night Dance Floor shows us his songwriting capability. While the lyrics are personal and designed to the moment, Tyller brings an honesty to it that is refreshing and revitalizing. There are tones here you will not be able to replicate. However, you can sing along off tune with us here!:

James Spencer-If

His guitar playing takes away the spotlight, but focus on the whole song to feel the magic. James Spencer has some fantastic music in Lucky Man, but If is something everyone has felt before. It is one of those songs that has the ability to become a quintessential love song. It is the rich melody and harmony that unite to become cupids spear for this song. Finger style just falls perfectly into the kind of texture this song needs. It is his ability to tell the tale without losing any of the colours to different spheres of space. A wonderful tune:

Starlight Alice-I Swear to God

There are certain songs that become stadium staples for artists. Starlight Alice have that hit with I Swear to God. A quick tempo changes the beat and rhythm to make it a heart thumper. The tunes are wondrous, they are rich in texture and the melody is easy to follow. It is this kind of composition that teaches you the way the density changes for songs. The track also has the ability to draw away your mood to a smile, complete with the kind of lyrics that you’ll remember. Listen to the enjoyable single here with us!:

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator