LITM Pop Picks: Hazy Sounds and Melodic Genius Brought to You by Alexia Vegas, Mama Blue and More!

LITM Pop Picks this week will bring joy and excitement to you as you run through their playtimes. Experience the music of Cause Allure, Moon and Aries, Mama Blue, Alexia Vegas and Hypocrite In a Hippy Crypt! 

Cause Allure - Vibration

Cause Allure brings amazing flow and smooth wavey motions with their latest track “Vibration”. This song which is incredibly immersive with its tone and soundscape features an absolutely crisp and polished instrumental that you can simply lose yourself in. The artists keep familiar motifs running through the track while evolving each one by injecting melodic elements to the beat as the track progresses giving this song a cathartic forward momentum. This track also features a wonderful vocal performance that fits the tone like a glove and ties this song together harmoniously. I loved listening to this track so go check it out! 

Moon and Aries - Traffic

Moon and Aries are back with their smooth cinematic appeal and dynamic beats on their latest offering “Traffic”. This song is filled with jazzy elements that give it a retro appeal that is perfectly complemented by Moon’s amazingly smooth vocals. The soundscape is incredibly immersive and the song has incredible laminar flow leading to an immersive experience that you can easily lose yourself to. Every note of this song crafts an intricate sonic wall like no other that delivers pure audio bliss to your ears. So go give this song a listen and add it to your playlists today! 

Mama Blue - Mother Of The Night

Mama Blue puts you in a trance with her psychedelic beat and experimental sound on her latest track “Mother Of The Night”. Opening on hazy and gorgeous flutes that give this song a transcendent appeal, Mama Blue retains a familiar feel with the groovy percussion and smooth vocals. Speaking of the vocals, this song alternates between two vocal styles that keep your attention held firmly on this track through its runtime. Mama Blue masterfully builds a dark atmosphere with this track and this song hits the mark on every metric you can measure it by. This is the type of track that is sure to make waves in the industry, so go check it out today! 

Alexia Vegas - There’s No Way

Alexia Vegas serenades your ears with her low tones and melodic genius in her latest offering “There’s No Way”. The instrumental of this track is built upon a wonderfully produced beat that features bright synth keys that carry some edge to their melodic character. Alexia’s vocal performance goes through a whole range of sounds that alternate between laid-back and vulnerable in the worse to soaring and powerful in the chorus. The listening experience you are delivered on this track is sublime and endlessly replayable. Alexia Vegas is not an artist you should be sleeping on and you should check her music out today!

Hypocrite In A Hippy Crypt - The Next Level 

Hypocrite In A Hippy Crypt brings a wonderful upbeat melody with an edge on their latest track “The Next Level”. This one-man powerhouse of a musical outfit flexes his prowess with a jazzy instrumentation that reels you in with its dynamic flow and wonderful nuances that build a soundscape that is vibrant and full of flavour. The singing is soulful and full of heartfelt expression and holds the instrumentals together like a well-set glue. This song is a wonderful package of sounds you simply don't want to end. I loved listening to “The Next Level” and so will you!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator