Interview: Beau Jennings "People In This Town "

Oklahoma-based multi-talent Beau Jennings along with his outfit “Beau Jennings & The Tigers” recently released their latest single “People In This Town” on the 9th of June, 2023. A veteran of the industry, Beau uses his skills and craftsmanship to create songs that are vibrant and full of soul. We were given the opportunity to interview him and gain a deeper insight into the mind of this stalwart of the music scene!

 Hi Beau. You’re not new to the music scene, so let me first just start by asking you about your latest single. Can you tell us a bit about this song?

 This song was a great next step for our band. I think with each effort we get closer to coming into our own as a unit. We’ve all been playing music for a long time with various bands but it can take a minute for a band to find their sound. We have a lot more sonic territory to explore but this is a kind of nice base for us.

You released this music and I think your most recent album with Black Mesa Records. Can you tell us about your relationship with this label. Who are they and are they like family to you?

 Black Mesa has been really great to work with. I feel very aligned with the values Kris brings to the table. I haven’t known Kris long enough for him to be like family but I did go watch him play sandlot baseball once so that’s maybe getting close.

This latest song is about your hometown. Have you always lived there or have you gotten around a bit, apart from touring?

At this point in my life I’ve spent most of my years in Norman, OK. It’s taken me a while to realize it’s my hometown and so that’s perhaps why this latest group of songs has been exploring that concept.

 How did you first get into music? And did you feel like it was your calling from an early age?

 I got my first guitar as a senior in high school so I was a late bloomer. I wouldn’t say music was necessarily a calling but I have always been drawn to stories and storytelling.

When did you first start learning to play the guitar and was that your first instrument?

I took a few years of piano lessons as a kid, that was a good foundation before I later learned guitar.

What is your favourite thing about making music and your least favourite thing?

 Creating and writing will always be my favorite, nothing tops that feeling of finishing a song you know is good. Least favorite is perhaps when performing takes me away from family.

Have you ever played Nashville? It seems your music would be a big hit there? 

 I’ve played Nashville but it’s been way too long. Yes let’s make it a hit.

I noticed some notable collaborations mentioned in your artist bio. Can you please tell us about those? 

I was fortunate enough to have some really talented guests on my album, yeah. Sufjan I got to know through some friends and he was really gracious and cool to play some banjo and sing on my record The Verdigris. Similarly with Richard Swift (RIP), just a cool dude who brought a lot of magic to songs.

If you could perform with any artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I’d love to sing with Emmylou Harris or Joan Baez.

What does the next year hold for you as an artist and will folks see you on the road anytime soon?

Making a new record and heck yeah we will be playing shows! In the meantime, come have a listen at

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