LITM Rock Picks This Week Bring Us Quiet, The Art and more!

In this edition of LITM Rock Picks, we bring a collection from Quiet, The Art, and more!

Quiet, The Art - “Monochrome”

Embrace the captivating blend of post-rock, post-punk, and shoegaze with Edinburgh's Quiet, The Art, as they weave stories out of sounds, forming beautiful metaphors on their latest single, “Monochrome”. Dotted with silken pads and sonic textures that speak highly of their art in sound design, the feeling that this track invokes is unlike much else I’ve heard— especially with the post-rock influence in the detuned guitars, and the overall shoegaze-esque presentation with a unique modern twist in the vocals. The track builds slow, and culminates in a burst of energy that is sure to leave the listener enthralled. Check out the track here!

Shyfrin Alliance - “Whiskey Blues”

Led by frontman Eduard Shyfrin, Shyfrin Alliance drops their latest track, "Whiskey Blues," an infectious blend of rock and jazz influences perfect for fireside chats. With rich vocals and a dynamic mix, the song's energy is bold and groovy, highlighted by impressive instrumental interplay and a satisfying outro. "Whiskey Blues" is a masterpiece that promises to transport listeners to a bluesy, jazzy dreamscape, akin to a smooth glass of whiskey on a cold winter night. Pour yourself a glass and let the music sweep you away. Listen to the track here:

Leah Callahan - “Curious Tourist”

Leah Callahan, acclaimed for her eclectic journey through experimental sounds with Turkish Delight US, Betwixt, and The Glass Set, now brings her latest single, “Curious Tourist”— a winding journey with her voice on full display; her unique vocal timbre with the ballad-like guitars and the laid-back drumming that also brings in a couple of orchestral elements with the hits, is a journey that manifests as an enjoyable, rewarding listen. The strings in the song are also a highlight, with excellent mixing that rounds this song off excellently well. Check out the track here!

Logeion - “Quello Che Resta”

Loġeion emerged in 2019 from a serendipitous encounter, as Marco Capotosto and Lorenzo Vitale sought a fresh musical journey marked by a harder sound— and since then, they’ve been polishing their sound, as evident in their latest single, “Quello Che Testa”; bringing in hard rock elements with the low, bass vocals, the sound is therapeutic, almost spellbinding to listen to; with a phantom middle ground in the energy that strikes the balance between aggressive and laid-back perfectly; making this a delightful track to listen to. The switch-up in tempo and cadence in the middle of the song also makes for ear candy— and is overall a great song. Check out the track here!

Kained - “2CB”

Kained: The North West's unruly outfit, blending indie punk, psych rock, and raw energy, born from the pubs and taxi ranks of the UK's North West, delivering loud and proud anthems inspired by the chaos of contemporary life, bring us a bold, confident number on their latest tune, “2CB”— filled with stadium-chant worthy lines that translate excellently into the song, and guitars and drumming that keep swift pace; especially the leads that weave lines of their own. Take all this and throw them into an energetic, sonically vivid mix, and you have a track that is a blast to listen to, from start to end. Check out the track here!

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Discovered via #sustainablecurator